Unleashing Action: A Review of Kamen Rider GAV’s Popping Mi Form Action Figure

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August 31, 2024


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Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Package

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Package

Let’s start with the package. This is a figure from a new brand released the day before the broadcast started. The package features the brand design.

  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Package
  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Package

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Package

It certainly reminds me of RKF and similar brands.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Package

Inside, it is wrapped in cardboard. This also has a similar feel to RKF.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Main Body

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

Now let’s take it out and review the Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form. First, let’s look at the whole body.

  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body
  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

Going around it completely. This is a figure from a new brand, and the quality is quite high, better than I expected. The impression is that the arms and legs are somewhat long and thin, but it’s not a significant issue. Overall, the paint job is good.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body
  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

Close-up of the bust. The mask does not use clear parts, but it recreates the distinctive design that mimics gummy candy very well. The thick black lines are painted neatly without any bleed.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The body armor mimicking gummy candy is also well done. Although it does not use clear parts, the gradient color is well represented by the paint job.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The back is simply all black. There are no screw holes visible.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The arms do feel a bit long. The shoulder armor is attached to the body.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The painting of the arm armor is also good.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The legs give a slender impression.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The silver paint on the thigh looks nice, but it’s a bit disappointing that there’s some wear on the inner side.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The shin armor is also nicely painted.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The legs also have a distinctive design.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The soles of the feet are also sculpted.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body

The transformation belt “Gav” is also sculpted. The red parts are painted, giving a good impression at first glance. It’s not very easy to see, but “Gochizou” is also sculpted.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body Revolve Change Figure Kamen Rider Geats Magnum Boost Form Comparison

Here it is compared with the Revolve Change Figure Kamen Rider Geats Magnum Boost Form and the Souchaku Henshin Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper, both recent boys’ toys. The sizes are almost the same, but the Kamen Rider Action Figure appears more natural as it does not have the form-changing gimmick.

Revolve Change Figure Kamen Rider Geats Magnum Boost Set Review

Souchaku Henshin Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper & Upperless Keibo & Antler Seller Review

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Main Body S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper Comparison

Now comparing it with S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper. The size looks pretty good against the Arts, with no major discrepancies. It’s almost the same scale. The naturalness of the style is something that the Arts hold, but it’s still nice to play with a figure that can be of the same scale right after the broadcast begins.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Range of Motion

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion

Now let’s look at the mobility. The neck has a wide range of rotation, and the shoulders can also move widely. The elbows can bend around 90 degrees, and there is a roll axis. The neck does feel like it is a bit sunken, but the movement is good.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion

As advertised, there are also shoulder sliding joints.

  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion
  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion
  • The neck can move back and forth pretty widely.

  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion
  • Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion

The waist movement is also satisfactory.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion

The waist rotation is very wide as well.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Range of Motion

The legs can spread wide in all directions. The stability is a bit less than ideal. By the way, there is no toe articulation.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Accessories

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Accessories Hands

Next, let’s look at the accessories. Here are the gripping hands, a pair for each side.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Accessories Hands

This wrist part is for holding the weapon, the Gav Gab Blade. Only the right hand is included.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Accessories Gav Gab Blade

The weapon, Gav Gab Blade, is also included. It’s quite large and has some weight to it. While it is all black, the details in the sculpting are quite fine.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Accessories Gav Gab Blade

It may be hard to tell the front from the back, but overall, the sculpting quality is high.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Action!

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

\Wow!! Popping Mi!!/

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Here we have the action of Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

This distinctive lazy pose is also possible.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

It’s nice to be able to play with the new Rider immediately after the broadcast begins.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

By the way, since I haven’t watched it yet, I’m just imagining the poses.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

As the name “Kamen Rider Action Figure” suggests, this is a Kamen Rider version of the affordable action figure series like Ultra Action Figures and Godzilla Action Figures.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Given the higher price compared to Ultra Action Figures, the waist mobility, sculpting, and painting quality are commendable.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

However, it’s a bit concerning that the neck tends to stick out too much.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Holding the Gav Gab Blade is fine; it can even be held with both hands with ease.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

The sword is quite large.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Holding it poses no issues.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Posing is quite good as well.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

By the way, Kamen Rider Valen was also displayed at the toy show.

New items including Gav, Godzilla, and Transformers! – Tokyo Toy Show 2024 Report

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

I might want parts for Kicking Mi and Punching Mi.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Will we possibly see form changes in the future?

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

Operating the handle.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action

And then the kick.

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper

This is the expected pose along with Gatchard, which we should probably see in the winter movie.

S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper ReviewS.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper Review

Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form Review Action S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Gatchard Steam Hopper

That concludes the review of Kamen Rider Action Figure Kamen Rider Gav Popping Mi Form.

This is likely what many users have wished for, an Arts-sized action figure from boys’ toys, and as advertised, the range of motion is quite extensive, allowing for almost free posing. The painting exceeded my expectations, and the gradients look beautiful. It’s also great that there is a weapon included. However, the lack of paint on the weapon stands out against the high quality of the main figure.
Given the brand name, which suggests versatility, I hope for future releases of Legend Riders. If all goes well, I’d be even happier to see villains and other characters released like the Ultra Action Figures. This is certainly a series that I look forward to.


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