Unliab professor is on the list of the most influential researchers in the world in 2022

by time news

2023-10-24 20:46:49

A feat in particular that elevates and takes the name of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) to the world. This is how the fact that Prof. Dr. José Cleiton Sousa dos Santos, from the Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS), is on the list of the most influential researchers in the world in 2022, prepared by Stanford University (USA) and published annually by the magazine Plos Biology of the group Elsevier.

“I believe that being present in an international ranking of scientific production has multiple importance for the researcher, even though the meaning and impact may vary depending on the context. Inclusion in such rankings raises the visibility of both the researcher and their research, generating recognition not only in the academic community, but also in broader contexts, which, in turn, contributes to the reputation of both the researcher and their institution” , explains Cleiton Sousa.

He is the only Unilab scientist to appear on this important and recognized list of global academia, as those who manage to be part of this list are among the 2% most influential in the world in their respective areas. In our State, the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) is, by far, the higher education institution that has the most representatives, since 18 names from its teaching staff appear on the list.

Prof. Dr. Cleiton Sousa: “Being present in an international ranking of scientific production is of multiple importance for the researcher.”

“Many funding agencies, whether governmental or private, consider the researcher’s performance in scientific production rankings as a criterion when granting funding, and a prominent positioning can potentially increase the chances of access to research resources. The notoriety in such rankings can, additionally, attract collaborators from different parts of the world, enriching the researchers’ research scope, fostering diversity of perspectives and encouraging interdisciplinarity”, highlights Cleiton Sousa.

The study to create the list of the most influential scientists in the world uses as its main criterion the number of citations of scientists’ works in the publisher’s database Scopus, one of the largest in the world in the area of ​​scientific publications. The work standardized data from 22 fields of activity and 176 subareas of study. The ranking takes into account the impact of publications (number of citations) and variables such as the researcher’s position in the list of authors (first author, corresponding author, article leader, etc.).

To see and understand the list methodology Click here.

“PGEA/Unilab believes that the inclusion of researchers in the ranking of the most influential scientists in the world plays a fundamental role in promoting and valuing global scientific research. This recognition highlights the impact and relevance of the contributions of these scientists to the advancement of knowledge in various areas”, he highlights, and then adds:

“Furthermore, it serves as an incentive for scientists to continue carrying out high-quality research, seeking solutions to contemporary challenges. These rankings are also valuable for academic and research institutions, such as Unilab, helping to identify outstanding collaborators and advisors, which, in turn, attracts talent and resources to their activities. Ultimately, the visibility provided by rankings of the most influential scientists strengthens the scientific community and contributes to the dissemination of knowledge, influencing decision-making in public policies and driving advances that benefit society as a whole.”

“Finally, says Cleiton Sousa, a solid performance in scientific production rankings can positively influence academic career advancement and give researchers a more influential voice in the formulation of scientific policies at both national and international levels. However, it is imperative to strike a balance between the search for recognition in rankings and maintaining the principles of quality, ethics and relevance in research, remembering that such rankings are not the only measure of excellence in the field of research.

Summary of Academic Training – Cleiton Sousa:

Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the State University of Ceará, UECE (2008) Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará, UFC (2011) Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará, UFC (2015) Doctorate in Molecular Biosciences from the Autonomous University of Madrid , UAM, Spain (2015) Post-Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará, UFC (2015)

Curriculum lattes!

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