Unprecedented: the soldier’s body was replaced by his friend

by time news

Two residents of Ma’ale Adumim, Idan Mizrahi and IDF soldier Sergeant Ariel Harali, were killed on Saturday night in a serious car accident.

According to a report in ‘Mint’ Jerusalem, the body of the rally was moved to the cemetery on Mount Herzl, where the rally was supposed to be hitman at 23:30 at night.

However, in the purification room, just before the funeral ceremony, the family of Raleigh enters to say goodbye to him. There, much to the dismay, one of the family’s daughters screams hoarsely that this is not a rally.

“IDF officials collected the body and returned it to Abu Kabir, where the body of his friend, Idan Mizrahi, was also found. This time the family of the rally also came to the place, accompanied by the rabbinical authorities,” says the Jerusalem Mint.

The Israel Defense Forces responded: “From a preliminary investigation of the findings of the incident, it emerged that the source of the error began with an incorrect registration before the bodies arrived at the legal institute or at their reception. After that, the sequence of the identification process is compromised. Due to this, the soldier’s funeral ceremony took place shortly after the planned date. The event will be investigated and the necessary lessons will be drawn from it. The IDF shares in the family’s grief and will continue to accompany it.”

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