Unrest in Neyveli: BAM Leader Killing Sparks Violent Protests and Land Dispute

by time news

Title: Violent Protests Erupt in Neyveli After Killing of BAM Leader

Date: [Date]

Location: Neyveli, Tamil Nadu

In a shocking turn of events, Neyveli witnessed widespread unrest and violence as thousands of protesters rallied against the killing of BAM leader Anbumani Ramadoss. Party members took to the streets and clashed with the police, resulting in several injuries and property damage.

The cause of the protest stems from the encroachment and acquisition of agricultural lands by the Central Government’s NLC (Neyveli Lignite Corporation). This controversial move has sparked outrage and discontent among the local community, leading to simmering tensions in the area.

Under the leadership of Anbumani Ramadoss, the BAM (Bama Makaveera Munetra Kazhagam) organized a massive protest in Neyveli today. Tens of thousands of devotees joined the demonstration, demanding justice and calling for the company to cease its land acquisitions.

However, chaos erupted when the protesters attempted to besiege the NLC premises. The police intervened to prevent any further escalation, resulting in the arrest of Anbumani Ramadoss and several others. This move infuriated the BAM supporters, leading to a violent face-off between the police and protesters.

In the clashes that followed, stones were hurled at police vehicles, leaving three policemen with fractured skulls and bleeding. In response, the police used batons to disperse the protesters. When their attempts were ineffective, water cannons and tear gas were deployed. At a critical moment, the police resorted to firing warning shots into the sky to disperse the crowd.

Due to the escalating tension in Neyveli, neighboring districts were called upon to provide additional police forces for security. In total, personnel from 10 districts were dispatched to the troubled area, with top police officials camping in Neyveli.

The violence also affected journalists who were present to cover the protest. Six journalists were seriously injured during the clashes, emphasizing the dangerous situation that unfolded in Neyveli.

In an attempt to regain control of the situation, the police closed Tasmac liquor shops across Cuddalore district. However, the arrest of Anbumani Ramadoss and the subsequent response from the police only served to intensify the tensions in the region.

As the dust settles, Neyveli remains under the watchful eye of law enforcement, with the situation far from resolved. The unrest caused by the killing of Anbumani Ramadoss and the land acquisition controversy has marked a dark chapter in the history of this once-peaceful region. The authorities must now carefully navigate these troubled waters in search of a resolution that satisfies all parties involved.

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