Unrestrained Power: The Battle Between Politicians and Bureaucrats | Zeev Hasfer, Opinion

by time news

Title: Government Officials Clash Over Power and Control

Subtitle: Ministers and regulators engage in a power struggle, raising concerns about democratic principles

Date: [Current Date]

In a recent statement by former Minister of Culture, Miri Regev, she boldly declared, “What is the corporation worth if we don’t control it?” These words, although spoken seven years ago, resonate now more than ever. The sentiment behind Regev’s statement reflects the prevailing philosophy among government officials – the desire to dominate and maintain unrivaled control.

The ongoing conflict between ministers and regulatory bodies, touted as a democratic struggle for ensuring the will of the people, is far from the truth. Numerous instances of foot-dragging by these regulatory gatekeepers have been observed, such as the governor’s inaction regarding bank gluttony and the competition commissioner’s negligence regarding centralization concerns. However, it seems that threats of legislation and dismissals from politicians have spurred regulators to take action, blurring the line between independence and subservience.

Yet, it is crucial to understand that this thirst for power does not stem from a genuine desire to enhance citizen services or improve governmental decision-making during times of crisis. Rather, it is a force motivated by pure dominance. Ministers like Amichai Eliyahu and Shlomo Karai view those who impede their power as obstacles to be obliterated. Ideological alignment takes precedence over expertise and diversity in positions of authority, further reinforcing this dogged pursuit of control.

This deliberate attempt to dismantle barriers and limit checks and balances eliminates any restraints on politicians’ activities. The current government is consciously eroding the foundations that prevent unrestrained political action. This transformation has been in the making for centuries, with politicians of all backgrounds trying to tame unelected officials to serve their interests. However, the current magnitude and systematic nature of this power play is unprecedented.

Officials who have traditionally remained passive and complacent have now become champions of efficiency and justice. A few criticisms and disagreements with elected officials are sufficient to earn them support and applause. This newfound assertiveness is evident in the clashes between politicians and professionals such as the Governor of the Bank of Israel, the Director of the Government Companies Authority, and the Director of the Competition Authority.

Critics argue that the sudden zeal of these officials may be in response to perceived threats or a desire to maintain their positions. The governor’s recent outburst against government interference in banking regulations, the fines imposed by the Competition Authority, and the pushback against proposed changes in transportation management all seem to coincide with challenges posed by elected officials.

It is essential to distinguish between recognizing the shortcomings of elected officials while simultaneously ensuring bureaucratic independence. While politicians rightly face criticism, it is incumbent upon society to hold bureaucrats accountable without undermining their role in maintaining checks and balances. Striking a balance between the two is crucial for the democratic functioning of any society.

As the power struggle continues to intensify, it is imperative for citizens to remain vigilant and demand accountability from both politicians and bureaucrats. Each group must be held to the highest standards while respecting the independence and expertise of the other. Only through such a balancing act can a healthy and functioning democratic system be preserved.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” as the proverb goes, but in this struggle for power, the real losers are the citizens who deserve a government that prioritizes their well-being over personal gain. It is time for society to reject this self-serving pursuit of dominance and demand a government that truly serves the people.

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