Unseasonably Warm Weather Across The US This Christmas – Records Expected to be Broken

by time news

Amidst the holiday season, weather patterns across the central United States are creating unexpected shifts in climate, as Santa Claus might find himself reaching for an iced tea instead of his traditional hot chocolate. Unseasonably warm temperatures are sweeping through the Lower 48, appearing to break records and challenge long-standing norms as a result of a warm Pacific weather pattern, El Niño impacts, and human-caused climate change.

Traditionally snowy and cold regions such as the Upper Midwest and Western Great Lakes will be seeing unprecedented conditions this holiday season. The absence of snow has created a unique atmosphere, with temperatures expected to be 30 degrees above the norm in these areas.

This trend has led meteorologists to acknowledge uncharted weather and climate territory for northern Minnesota, with the potential for a white Christmas to go unrealized. Cities such as Minneapolis are on track to set record highs during the Christmas holiday, with temperatures reaching 30 degrees above the average.

As the unusual warm front moves eastward, it is believed to be heavily influenced by a strong Pacific jet stream pulling moist air into Canada and parts of the northern United States. The phenomenon has already led to record high lows in several Southwestern cities.

Dozens of records are expected to be broken throughout southern regions, with low temperatures 20 or more degrees above average. The effects are especially anticipated over the holiday weekend as morning lows rise substantially, and afternoon highs are expected to be 20 to 30 degrees above normal.

In an ironic twist, many commonly snow-covered cities are expected to experience record-high temperatures on Christmas Eve, dashing hopes of a white Christmas. Accompanying the unprecedented warmth, record lows in snow cover extent across North America have also been noted in addition to historic warmth in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Overall, this extreme weather can be attributed to the current prevailing pattern and exacerbated by the El Niño climate pattern. However, climate change’s influence on a reduction in extreme cold temperature events is significant.

While some may be unexpectedly enjoying balmy weather this holiday season, projections indicate that most of North America will continue to experience milder temperatures than normal. Nevertheless, experts do suggest that the weather pattern may incur a more seasonably wintry shift in January.

Above all, it is a stark reminder of the unpredictable and ever-changing nature of our environment and a call to reflect on the increasing impacts of anthropogenic climate change.

This article was created taking information from the content provided.

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