The draft decision detailing the implementation of Intervention “Π3-75.1 – Establishment of young farmers” of the Koini Strategic Plan is put up for consultation until July 25 Rural Policy (SS KAP) of Greece 2023 – 2027, with a budget of 410 million euros. The first installation premium varies from 30 to 44 thousand euros depending on the orientation and nature of the holding.

In particular, the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Kostas Tsiaras and the responsible Deputy Minister, Dionysis Stamenitis, in collaboration with the General Secretary of Union Resources and Infrastructure, Dimitris Papagiannidis, drew up the conditions for inclusion as well as the commitments that will follow the new entrants in the agricultural sector.

The conditions

The most important conditions that candidates must meet are the following:

  • To be adults and not to exceed 40 years of age.
  • To be legal owners of an economically independent agricultural-livestock farm as long as there is livestock, this must be privately owned.
  • To submit an acceptable IACS statement in the year 2024, with a standard return of at least €12,000 on the mainland, Crete and Evia, €10,000 on islands with a population greater than 3,100 and €8,000 on islands with a population less than or equal to of 3,100 inhabitants or to have declared at least 103 cells in mainland Chora, Crete and Evia, 74 in the islands of Chora with less than 3,100 inhabitants and 92 in the rest of the islands of Chora.
  • When submitting the support application, they must be classified by the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings as new entrants to the agricultural sector.
  • During the years 2019 to 2022, not have submitted an IACS declaration with an average standard return exceeding 12,000 euros on the mainland, Crete and Evia and 10,000 euros on the islands other than Crete and Evia or 16,000 euros on any of them the years.
  • To submit a timely application for support and a standardized business plan for the development of their agricultural holding within the deadlines set in the call for expressions of interest.

The amount of support is provided in the form of capital non-refundable aid (flat rate) and is structured as follows:

The beneficiary receives 70% of the support amount upon joining the measure and 30% upon certification of the correct completion of the business plan.


The main commitments undertaken by the beneficiaries are the following:

  • To obtain the status of professional farmer within two years from the date of their designation as new entrants in the agricultural sector and to maintain it for four years after the year of completion of their business plan.
  • To achieve the quantitative goal of increasing the standard yield of the holding by at least 20% in relation to the standard yield of the initial situation, while at the same time at the completion of this it must not fall short of €16,000 in the Mainland, Crete and Evia, of €14,000 in islands with a population of over 3,100 inhabitants and €10,700 on the remaining islands.
  • To be included within 24 months from the date of issuance of the decision to join the normal VAT regime and to remain in it for at least four years after the year of completion of their business plan.
  • From 2024 up to four years after the year of completion of their business plan to submit a declaration to the IACS every year.
  • Attend a (free) training course of at least 250 hours.
  • To carry out sales of agricultural products based on E3 which, in terms of the standard input yield, must, from the second year of the business plan, amount to 50% of this and 60% of this at the completion of the business plan.
  • If they breed animals, obtain a stable facility permit.

K. Tsiaras: Our goal is to transition from the traditional family farm model to that of the agricultural business

The Minister of Rural Development and Food, Kostas Tsiaras, referring to the importance of the program, emphasized that “its goal is the renewal of the rural population by settling as many young farmers as possible in the Greek countryside. The government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis is investing in young farmers as the primary sector is a key pillar of economic development for the country and also a foundation for strengthening the Greek region. Our pursuit is the transition from the traditional family farm model to that of the agricultural business, so that more and more young people engage in the agricultural profession, not out of a need to survive, but out of a conscious choice.”

The Deputy Minister, Dionysis Stamenitis, stated for his part: “Consistent with one of our central pre-election commitments to attract new people to work in the primary sector, we are proceeding with the implementation of the necessary actions. With an eye on the future and on the next day of agricultural and livestock production, we are working to achieve the goals we have set.”

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