UPS Centennial Ground Hub Layoffs in Louisville Not Related to Unionization Efforts – WDRB News

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UPS Announces Layoffs at Centennial Ground Hub in Louisville

In a shocking announcement on Thursday, UPS revealed that layoffs will soon begin at its Centennial Ground Hub in Louisville. The company stated that the layoffs are not related to the recent unionization efforts but are instead a result of fewer packages in their network.

The “Day sort” at the hub will close on February 16th, resulting in the layoffs of some part-time sorters, administrative employees, and management. However, UPS assured that drivers will not be affected by these layoffs.

The company declined to disclose the exact number of employees being laid off but mentioned that some workers will have the opportunity to move into other positions within the company.

Adi Karamcheti, a consultant for Shipware, suggested that the layoffs indicate a broader event occurring within UPS. He also speculated that the new labor contract negotiated between UPS and the Teamsters union may have influenced the decision to lay off employees.

The announcement comes just weeks after the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union threatened to strike when 35 employees were let go at the hub after voting to join the union. UPS later backtracked and reinstated those employees with full backpay.

While UPS stated that these layoffs are “operational” and not related to unionization efforts, the Teamsters have been focused on organizing the remaining non-union employees at UPS’ vast Louisville operations since their successful contract negotiations last summer.

As the company adjusts to changing customer demands, it remains unsure if there will be future layoffs. UPS shared that they regularly evaluate their workforce needs but do not speculate about the future.

The news of the layoffs comes as a blow to the affected employees and raises concerns about the future of the workforce at the Centennial Ground Hub. As the situation continues to develop, affected employees and the local community await further updates from UPS.

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