Upskilling and reskilling, the pandemic has changed work (forever) –

by time news

2023-06-22 09:51:36

by Alessandro Rimassa*

How the world of training required by companies is transforming and how lifelong learning is also developing in the Italian panorama

* Writer, entrepreneur (founder of Radical HR), innovator

The pandemic that we left behind or rather, in some cases, we are still struggling to leave behind, has turned habits and lifestyles upside down. Waiting for history to stratify in historiography, helping us to better understand what happened under the lens of time, we can already focus on the changes in perspective that Covid-19 has left on the world of work globally. It was precisely the conception of work itself that changed: we were forced to work remotely, we discovered (in many cases) or rediscovered smart working, with its advantages and limitations. A certain fact: the world of work has changed completely, taking a largely defined direction, if not clear-cut. And in this new world of work, in which innovation opens up scenarios for the democratization of technology, human capital is the real source of competitive advantage for companies. In this scenario, training becomes a fundamental strategic investment not only for attracting and retaining talent, but also for keeping them such over time. The concepts of reskilling – acquisition of new skills that allow the worker to carry out new tasks – and upskilling – expanding knowledge in what is already one’s working environment – thus inevitably become more and more fundamental. Businesswomen and entrepreneurs have to hit their heads: lifelong learning is fundamental, a strength for overcoming (it would be better to say: anticipating) the challenges that the job market offers.

The need to change

For too long we have thought of training as something limited, occupying our entire time, but confined to a specific period of life. Not so: training must be part of the flow of our lives. True lifelong learning is learning in the flow of life perfectly theorized by Josh Bersin. Even before the pandemic, a study by the English company Robert Half detailed how much internal training increased the employee retention rate, in other words, if we think about it, the attractiveness of a company. therefore, it is necessary to know how to change. The world that I have described in my volumes (I am thinking of Generazione mille euro, which has become a sort of generational manifesto, and more) has already changed. I too wanted to change, with a choice that in the unconventional Italian business world: with Michele Di Blasio, founder of Lacerba, a company that deals with training, like the company I founded, Radical Hr, we decided to merge , and give birth to Future of Work Group. The new group will be a reference player in Italy for corporate learning and people transformation. In fact, it is not just a question of the aggregation of two companies, but of the fusion of enabling technologies, professionalizing contents and knowledge of the market. So change. To bring out the skills of that human capital mentioned at the beginning. On the other hand, Albert Einstein told us: Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will spend its whole life believing itself stupid. But we will find a sea for these fish.

June 22, 2023 (change June 22, 2023 | 09:51)

#Upskilling #reskilling #pandemic #changed #work

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