Urban infrastructure can trigger greater growth

by time news

2023-10-02 08:04:23

The department of Guatemala, being the most productive, the one that generates the most jobs and where there is the most private investment, ironically is the department with the lowest per capita investment in roads by the State, barely 25 centimeters of road network per inhabitant, while The country average is 1 meter and the regional average in Central America is between 4 to 6 meters.

That is why the study of the master plan that the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) is carrying out together with the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing (CIV) and the National Agency for the Development of Economic Infrastructure (Anadie) is so important. ), along with the different municipalities of the department of Guatemala. This effort to have a master plan for mobility and feasibility study for the construction of the ring road to relieve traffic congestion in the metropolitan area of ​​Guatemala is very important, because we all suffer the damage that traffic is doing to our quality of life.

One of the big topics that will be discussed during the National Meeting of Entrepreneurs for Development (Enade 2023), which will take place this Thursday, by the mayor of Guatemala City, Ricardo Quiñónez, is to be able to present the different solutions that They are working together to improve mobility throughout the department and surrounding municipalities. And in this the Municipality of Guatemala has great leadership to facilitate coordination with the different municipalities of the department and even other departments, to improve mobility.

Logistics and mobility are key to our development.

Juan Carlos Zapata

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a discussion in Antigua Guatemala and some colleagues from Colombia asked me what time they should leave to be at the airport at 8:15 a.m. on a Monday, and they couldn’t believe when I answered that they should leave at 5.15 in the morning to be able to arrive on time, over a distance of just 40 kilometers. The lack of roads and mobility systems are affecting the ability of tourists to enjoy the country more and it is affecting us Guatemalans every day, because moving between cities and in Guatemala City is increasingly becoming more difficult.

The components of KOICA’s work focus on a mobility master plan for the Metropolitan Area of ​​Guatemala (AMG), a feasibility study for the construction of the ring road in the AMG, provision of equipment for traffic monitoring through the CCTV system and capacity building. There is clarity of comprehensiveness for mobility, objectivity through an independent opinion, scientific methodology through the use of surveys and analysis, as well as the adaptation of solutions according to the global climate change agenda, sustainable development objectives and improving public transport, establishing road hierarchies and network connectivity. The study is analyzing the state and system of planned public transportation, taking into account all members of the department’s mobility chain, as well as factors that can help electric mobility.

This plan, of course, implies a road improvement in the AMG, which helps facilitate the integration of infrastructure for the mobility of people, goods and services that are needed, taking into account road safety, the administration of travel demand and intelligent transportation systems, as well as the work between all actors.

#Urban #infrastructure #trigger #greater #growth

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