Urban rodeos in Essonne: two police officers injured during an arrest in Massy

by time news

Another “rodeo” gone wrong. Two police officers were injured, in the night from Saturday to Sunday, while trying to arrest the author of an urban rodeo in Massy (Essonne) on his motocross, and were “dragged a few meters”, a indicated Sunday a police source contacted by the Parisian, confirming information from Actu17.

The two agents of the Palaiseau Anti-Crime Brigade (Bac) “are not seriously injured” but suffer “from muscle pain and skin abrasions: they were dragged a few meters, one has a sprain, the other burns “, further specified this same source.

Called by residents in the night from Saturday to Sunday a little before midnight for an urban rodeo, the officials approach the motocross and its driver, then stopped. But he “does not let it go”, “struggles” and flees, injuring the police who are trying to arrest him, reports the source.

“The government is seriously dealing with the subject”

“Hostile individuals, potentially a dozen, are approaching” then Bac agents. Coming to reinforce their colleagues, police crews use a tear gas canister to disperse them. The 23-year-old motocross driver was arrested, placed in police custody and his vehicle was seized. He should be presented to justice on Monday in an immediate appearance.

“I give all my support to the injured police officers, testifies Nicolas Samsoen, the mayor (UDI) of Massy. I take my hat off to the police who have made the fight against this scourge that pollutes people’s lives a priority. In 2017, we had known a nightmarish summer, which had pushed the former senator-mayor of Massy (with other Essonne elected officials) to file a bill to suppress these wild rodeos. Since then, the law has been passed and we have felt a real impact. This year, we received too many complaints from residents, but without returning to the level of 2017. And the government is seriously dealing with the subject. »

The elected official is pleased to have been listened to by the Minister of the Interior on a specific point: “I had regretted that we could not report the rodeos on the site “moncommissariat.fr”. Gérald Darmanin heard me, since it is now possible, in a secure and anonymous way. Residents can also report places where motorcycles are hidden. We will get results thanks to the mobilization of everyone. »

Other arrests elsewhere

In the same night, in Athis-Mons (Essonne), three scooters were seized and a 34-year-old man taken into custody as part of an urban rodeo involving three motocross bikes and three scooters. Another man was also taken into custody in another town in Essonne (Ris-Orangis) for a similar case on Sunday.

More than 2,200 people have been arrested and 1,800 scooters and motorcycles have been seized since the start of the year for urban rodeos, more than in 2021, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said on August 17. On August 8, he announced an intensification of controls throughout France against people performing urban rodeos.

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