Urgent “A terrifying and earthquake statement for the inhabitants of the earth issued by the World Health Organization” The entire world is threatened by a dangerous matter that will continue for a long time and will eliminate two thirds of the world’s population Shocking details!

by time news

Thank you for reading the news about an urgent, “terrifying statement for the population of the earth” issued by the World Health Organization. The entire world is threatened by a dangerous matter that will last for a long time and will wipe out two-thirds of the world’s population. Shocking details! And now, we will let you know the details

Aden – Yasmine Al-Tohamy – Urgent “A terrifying statement for the inhabitants of the earth issued by the World Health Organization” The entire world is threatened by a dangerous matter that will continue for a long time and will eliminate two-thirds of the world’s population Shocking details!

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, confirmed that the majority of countries are still in the early stages of addressing the emerging corona virus, considering that the majority of the world’s population is vulnerable to infection with Covid-19.

“Make no mistake: We have a long way to go. This virus will be with us for a long time.”
Ghebreyesus warned of the danger of false complacency with the current measures and what it might lead to complacency in the battle against the virus.

He added, “The biggest danger we face today is complacency” in the face of the global epidemic, noting that “the initial elements show that the majority of the world’s population is still vulnerable” to infection with the emerging corona virus.

And the Director of the World Health Organization indicated that the hasty lifting of the ban measures may lead to the outbreak of the epidemic again.

He said, “While the epidemic appears to be at its peak or declining in Western Europe, it is still at the beginning stage in several other countries.”

He pointed out that “some countries that were exposed to the epidemic early are now seeing a new rise in the number of infected people, and we should not make this mistake because the road ahead is still long, and this virus will remain with us for a long time.”

He stressed that measures such as staying at home and not mixing have helped reduce the spread of the epidemic, and succeeded in reducing the number of infected people in many countries, but the virus remains dangerous.

On Tuesday, the United Nations warned against rushing to lift restrictions, calling for adapting to the epidemic until a vaccine is found, warning of the need to change the lifestyle in order to allow society to work in conjunction with the fight against the emerging virus.

The organization also recommended that any lifting of the general isolation measures imposed to contain the epidemic should be gradual, warning that easing restrictions prematurely will lead to a new return of infection.

In addition, the new Corona virus has killed at least 187,330 people in the world since its appearance in December in China, until Thursday evening.

More than 2,682,225 infections have been officially diagnosed in 193 countries and regions since the beginning of the epidemic. This number reflects only a part of the actual number of injured, as tests to detect injuries in a number of countries remain limited to cases that require hospital treatment. Among the injured, at least 732,647 people have recovered.

The countries with the highest number of deaths in 24 hours are the United States (1105), the United Kingdom (759) and France (544).

The United States, which recorded the first death at the end of February, is the country most affected by the epidemic, whether in terms of the number of deaths or injuries, and the death toll on its soil reached 45,950 cases out of 835,316 injuries, while the authorities announced the recovery of at least 76,070 people.

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