Urgent order from the Mayor for the implementation of disinfestation treatments in the Via Cremona area

by time news

Dengue case reported by ATS: urgent order from the Mayor to carry out disinfestation treatments in the Via Cremona area

Details Created August 22, 2024 Published August 22, 2024

Mantua Dengue Case Planimetry Disinfestation AreaMANTUA, 21 August – The mayor of Mantua Mattia Palazzi today, Thursday 22 August, signed aorder contingent and urgent on the “Provisions for the prevention and the control of the illnesses transmitted by insects carriers and for carrying out treatments disinfestation“.

Given that Ats Val PadanaDepartment of Hygiene and Health Prevention Uoc Hygiene and Public Health Health-Environment, has reported and positive case per virus Dengue (mainly transmitted by mosquitoes of the Aedes genus) of a subject residing in Cremona Street in the Municipality of Mantua, for the protection of public health it is necessary to rapidly reduce the density of the tiger mosquito in the areas where the sick person has stayed in order to reduce further the remote risk of triggering an autochthonous transmission of arbovirosis.

To strengthen the lotta the ordinance provides for the insect: disinfestationwith insecticides, dell’area interested (identified in the floor plan attached), or in the streets Pascoli, Pellico, Cremona, Sciesa, De Micheli, Romagnoli, Menotti, Pisacane and Mambrini, through both adulticidal and larvicidalboth on public land That in private propertiesand the research and elimination of peri-domestic larval outbreaks, with “door-to-door” inspections of homes as foreseen in the Piano national of prevention, surveillance and response to arbovirosis (Pna).

The present measure It is already effective and published on the online notice board of the Municipality of Mantua and is valid from the beginning of the treatment, approximately starting from 1 am on Friday 23 August (in case of weather changes the treatments will be postponed to the first available day) until the conclusion of the same treatment.

  • allow the access to the company’s specialized staff Mantua Environment Srl, responsible for carrying out the above-mentioned disinfestation activities. The personnel of the company Mantova Ambiente Srl will be accompanied wherever possible by recognizable personnel of the Local Police;
  • to stick to as indicated by the personnel responsible for removing larval outbreaks to prevent them from reforming and to use the larvicidal product that will be distributed by the same personnel in the manholes and drains that may be present on your property, at the same time as the disinfestation interventions and the information brochure attached to this ordinance.

The non-compliance of the obligations of this ordinance is punished pursuant to the normative current.

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