Urgent Symptoms to Check: Dr. Manoon’s Warning and Treatment for Spreading Shingles

by time news

2023-11-04 10:14:52
URGENT: Check Your Symptoms Immediately – Shingles Warning issued by Dr. Manoon

In a recent development, Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong has issued a warning regarding a spreading type of shingles, known as Disseminated Herpes Zoster. This rare condition, usually not found in healthy individuals, is characterized by the presence of blisters and pustules appearing all over the body.

Dr. Manoon highlights the seriousness of this condition, as the virus has the ability to enter the bloodstream and spread to vital organs such as the lungs, liver, and brain. Prompt medical attention is crucial in such cases, and the recommended treatment for spreading shingles is acyclovir.

A case study draws attention to the urgency of seeking medical assistance. A 50-year-old female patient, who had chickenpox as a child and otherwise had no underlying health issues, fell ill on October 15, 2023. She experienced symptoms such as fever, severe headache, body aches, and mouth sores for three days. Eventually, water blisters and pustules appeared on the skin, mainly on the earlobes, forehead, chest, neck, back, and thighs. It is important to note that there was no history of close contact with individuals infected with smallpox.

The patient sought immediate medical attention on October 19 and received intravenous acyclovir at a nearby hospital for two days. Subsequently, she was transferred to Vichaiyut Hospital for further treatment. Blood tests revealed slight anemia, while liver enzyme values were slightly elevated. To determine the cause of the infection, fluid from the pustules was subjected to PCR genetic code testing, which ruled out smallpox and Varicella zoster viruses. Samples of the patient’s blood were also sent for genetic code PCR testing, which also did not detect the Varicella zoster virus.

Further examinations, including testing the cerebrospinal fluid, revealed the presence of 68 white blood cells, of which 81% were lymphocytes. Protein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid were slightly elevated, while blood sugar levels were within normal range. PCR genetic code testing on the cerebrospinal fluid did not detect the Varicella zoster virus or the Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and 2.

In conclusion, it is highly likely that the patient has been infected with the Varicella zoster virus, commonly known as the shingles virus. The virus, which is the same as the one causing chickenpox, has caused invasive shingles and meningitis in this case. Fortunately, due to receiving acyclovir prior to arriving at Vichaiyut Hospital, no infection was detected. After the administration of the medication, the patient’s fever subsided, headache improved, and mouth sores showed improvement. The pustules began to dry up, and if scabs develop, a 14-day continuous intravenous acyclovir treatment would be provided.

Given the severity of this case and the potential for complications arising from spreading shingles, individuals experiencing symptoms such as blisters, pustules, fever, severe headache, and body aches are strongly advised to seek immediate medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment can play a crucial role in managing this condition effectively.]
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