Uri Isaac explains why he did not sign the letter of a special unit in the Air Force

by time news

Uri Isaac, a reporter for News 12, commented today (Friday) in a post he published on Facebook about the reason why he did not sign the letter of a special unit in the Air Force that issued a warning against the newly formed government, which was published in Ben Caspit’s column in “Maariv”.

“I wanted you to know that I did not sign the letter that was published this morning, which was signed by a group of veterans of a special unit in the Air Force concerned with “constitutional and moral protection of Israeli democracy in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence”. In which among the signatories there are “right, left, center, secular, traditional, religious, Jews and non-Jews”, but I am willing to bet, and I have not checked the matter, that of the 300 or so signatories (so far), less than 10% of the signatories voted for the coalition parties the new

“This letter is one voice, and that’s it. A voice that is important to be heard, but a voice that represents only those who signed it and not the veterans of the unit, whatever they may be. Throughout almost the entire week, when I happened to be in the reserves, an important and mostly respectful discussion started in WhatsApp groups about whether to issue a letter, And if to exclude, then how, and what words to use to reach as broad an agreement as possible.

“There were the more vocal ones, who responded and wrote their position, and among them quite a few who objected to the use of the unit’s name because it immediately “paints” all its graduates a very specific color, and not everyone likes it. It was decided not to use the unit’s name, but just to quietly say white mercury Publish it under the title “Letter of the Schladgists”. Strive for sophistication!

“I didn’t sign the letter even though I have no problem with its content because it goes over the head and tramples on many members of the unit who asked that it not be published or at least not in the version that came out. They talk a lot about the defense of democracy, and they don’t see their own hump. “But this It’s not a matter of right and left at all!” they will argue there vehemently. You made me laugh and made many others laugh who almost begged that the letter not be published. In the end, of course, the letter got out, because the protection of democracy is achieved by means of tyranny. As it should be.

“I didn’t sign the letter because in my eyes it symbolizes an arrogant and hegemonic culture, and it sucks terribly. I can understand a business group that signs a letter and imposes sanctions against bodies that decide to discriminate against so-and-so or the unknown. That has teeth. Schladgists? The one from a decade or two or three ago Did we serve in the unit? Who cares? Lord of the world! Yipi Habulorit and Taar (signed with initials, of course) wrote to the top of the public and legal system in Israel that they fear. So what? You lost much more than you gained. Both zero effect, and you also spoiled the ranks of the unit. What a disgrace to you.

“Probably among the signatories there are also those who risked their lives (in my view, not something that gives a value or moral advantage in deciding public issues), but there are probably many there who did not risk their lives, but simply served in the unit like many who serve in any other unit. You can replace in a letter the The words “special unit in the Air Force” in “infantry fighters” or “major sergeant” and the specific weight of the letter was similar. Would the “letter of fighters from Golani” arouse such interest? The answer is clear, no.

“And why not? And here, in my opinion, is the heart of the matter. Because this week it turned out to me that this is a group (and I am completely dissociating my words from the regular unit) that in its self-perception, its position is more equal. Throughout the important discussion that took place, sentences like “There is value to the word “fish” in Israel. Not from arrogance, but from what we represent for a part of the population that is looking for a way out and security.” or “It is clear to me that there are people who support the government and there is no way to change that. Either that’s their opinion or they haven’t sobered up yet.” Or “There are red lines in life that, when crossed, are coated with the edge of the spear, the salt of the earth, etc. to come out with a firm statement.”

“As mentioned, the motives are neither political nor arrogant, and the signatories have no intention of waiting for the disillusionment of the ignorant. In the name of fairness, the above quotes are a non-representative sample of the vigilant and respectful discussion that took place, but they do reveal a pat on the back that the letter is a self-patting, media bloat.

“It’s all about the letters. The letters of rabbis, officers, senior Mossad and Shin Bet officials, metachelists, etc. don’t affect anything. On the contrary, they may only make Sergeant Avi Cohen of Battalion 890 realize that he was right in his democratic choice.

“I didn’t want to write this post, I really didn’t. Its purpose is one: to let the public know that the Schladgists’ letter is a voice. It is. An important, legitimate and necessary voice, but only a voice. It was not signed by all the veterans of the unit in their generations, and it had many opponents. It was decided to publish it On the nose and anger of the opponents, and therefore my reaction. The act you did, dear and dear friends who signed the letter, is in my eyes anti-democratic.”

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