Urinary incontinence: a symptom that affects up to 20% of men over the age of 60

by time news

2024-09-28 02:55:00

Them invisible urine man It is a health problem extended. It is not important, of course, but – because of its representatives and symbols – it has a great impact on the quality of life of those who suffer from it. And this group is not small: it is estimated that, from the age of 60, 20% of men suffer from involuntary loss of urine.

The descriptions of the numbers are interesting: How many men go through this situation? “It depends a lot on the age group,” he explained PROFILE the doctor Christian Cobrerosmedical director of Buenos Aires Urological and Coloproctological Institute. And he explains: “to give you an idea, it is estimated that – in the group of men between 40 and 49 years old – this The clinical picture is about 15% of men“.

And it is a proportion that increases as the years go by. For example, in the group of those starting their seventh year, those who have just reached 20%. “In other words, one in five men in their sixties suffers from episodes of urinary incontinence,” this expert summarizes. This situation continues to increase. And in people over 80 years old, the prevalence reaches 60 to 70%.. Furthermore, if we release the patient (in the nursing home) it is even higher.” In fact, non-traditional is one of the factors that influence a family’s decision to admit them to a school. important cause of social isolation and that produces a severe little psychology.

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But there is another figure that helps round out the scope of this matter. According to Cobreros, “One thing that is surprising is that we know that about one in four of these men (25%) do not consult directly with any professional about their problem. We do not fully know why this happens – maybe it is shyness, fear of treatment or other reason – But it is a fact that we see and hear in the office every day.


Incontinence is a medical condition with its specifics: “many times the cause of this condition is on to some neurological disorders: Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis or – even – cerebrovascular accident (CVA)”, lists the specialists. But he explains: “There are other patients who have temporary dysfunction and we know that they will improve over time”.

Another common condition is when the disorder is linked to a common chronic disease, such as diabetes, which causes peripheral neuropathy and affects the nerves connected to the bladder. And in that vein, obesity is also associated with obesity.

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A third situation, especially in younger people, is when the urine loss It has been linked to conditions such as certain prostate cancer treatments.

Something important is specialized medicine offers you different options that can cure, or at least improve, the condition of urinary leakage. “And, for example, this can help to postpone hospitalization in the nursing home and improve both the quality of life of the patient and their family.

How to prevent and treat urinary incontinence

Treatment options are various: “After analyzing each patient we evaluate the possibilities. And among them we have rehabilitation (kinesiological type), others are surgeries and there are intermediate options, such as some drug or application of botulinum toxin” Cobreros explained.

And it ends: “And new options always appear. For example, a type “hand held device“This is inserted subcutaneously and helps to restore the function of the bladder. This also contributes to improving the condition.” The expert closed: “today, to all patients with disabilities, medicine can offer some therapies that improve their quality of life.”

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