Ursula Von der Leyen promises rapid integration of Ukraine into the European Union

by time news

“It was important to start my visit to Boutcha”, a tweet by Ursula von der Leyen, arrived in Ukraine on Friday. “ Because in Boucha, our humanity was shaken. My message to Ukrainians: Those responsible for these atrocities will be brought to justice. Your fight is our fight”continued the President of the European Commission.

This first visit served “to draw attention to potential war crimes committed by the Russians”report it Washington Postnoting that Ms von der Leyen, accompanied by Josep Borrell, the head of European diplomacy, and Eduard Heger, the Slovak prime minister, traveled by train from Poland before reaching kyiv. “Horrific Scenes” in Boutcha “helped unite EU members on a plan to cut Russian coal imports”adds the American daily, which however underlines that the bloc remains divided on the banning of Russian oil and natural gas.

“Ursula von der Leyen facing the horror in Ukraine”title Free Belgiuma series of supporting photos. “In the Boutcha rain, von der Leyen’s blue eyes look gray”describes the Corriere della Sera. The Italian newspaper says EU dignitaries lit a candle for the victims in a ceremony at a church near one of the mass graves before heading out onto a street, “where the carcasses of burnt tanks blocking the road are still visible”.

The country speaks on his side of a “symbolic visit” and observe that “The trip was marked by strong security measures”. Journalists, for example, were notified at the last minute of the meeting point for the press conference. Beyond the symbol, the visit to Ukraine of von der Leyen was an opportunity to signify to Volodymyr Zelensky his commitment to accelerating the process of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. Such a process normally takes at least a year. It could end this summer in the Ukrainian case.

“To illustrate this commitment”notes the Spanish newspaper, von der Leyen “hand delivered” a membership form, “that the two leaders leafed through smiling at the end of their meeting”. The Ukrainian president said the document would be completed by next week.

500 million additional euros in arms aid

The remarks of the President of the European Commission surprised the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The publication recalls that in Versailles, during a meeting of heads of state and government, a majority opposed accelerated membership. If it is the 27 who decide unanimously on the entry of a new member, Ukraine clearly has the support of von der Leyen. “This is not the only gift that visitors have brought with them”continues the HE DOES.

Slovak prime minister offered Ukraine its S-300 missile defense system while Josep Borrell announced aid of 500 million euros for the purchase of weapons, bringing the amount to 1.5 billion euros aid since the beginning of the invasion. ” The decision must first be approved by the Member States, in Germany also by the Budget Committee of the Bundestag, since the amount exceeds the budget line approved in advance for this year”nuance the HE DOES.

In addition, a delegation from the European Union will return to Kyiv “now that the threat of Russian control of the Ukrainian capital is for the moment averted”noted Volkskrant. Volodymyr Zelensky appreciated all these gestures of support. He also insisted to his visitors on the insufficiency of the new wave of sanctions decided by the EU after the Boutcha massacre. “I don’t think that’s enough”said the president, quoted by CNN while a Russian missile targeting Kramatorsk train station killed dozens of civilians on Friday.

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