US agrees with PM Narendra Modi’s statement, we trust India a lot; America is sure! – us says it trusts India to bring peace to Ukraine

by time news
US Secretary of State Ned Price told a press conference that the US is engaged in smooth relations with allies around the world, including India, in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“On the question of Russia’s brutal aggression against Ukraine, we are very closely engaged with all our allies around the world. Of course, that includes India. The international community firmly recognizes the need to hold Russia accountable for its atrocities,” he told a press conference.

Russia’s war against Ukraine has affected countries around the world. The United States and India share a commitment to a rules-based international order that respects territorial integrity and sovereignty.

We continue to be in close contact with India on what we can do to hold Russia accountable and impose additional costs on Russia. We may not always share the same policy approaches, but we both share a commitment to uphold a rules-based international order that respects territorial integrity and sovereignty.

It is at the heart of our global strategic partnership with India. This is at the heart of what we want to do with the Quad, along with other bilateral and multilateral work we do with India. The US agrees with India that restoring peace in Ukraine is essential.

We strongly agree with India on the need to restore lasting peace in Ukraine. This is the same message that President Zelensky issued during the G20 summit. America agrees with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s statement that “Today’s age is not an age of war”.

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We welcome India’s support to the people of Ukraine. India has offered humanitarian aid and calls for an immediate end to Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine. We also strongly agree with Prime Minister Modi’s statement that today’s era is not an era of war. Certainly, that sentiment was echoed at the G20 summit. We have heard that opinion at the UN as well.

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India could be in a position to bring peace to Ukraine. We believe that countries like India, which have relations with Russia and Ukraine, may be in a position to help bring about dialogue and diplomacy. “There is one country that is not willing to put an end to brutal aggression, and that is certainly Russia,” he said.

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