2024-07-10 20:16:23
Washington: The US Air Force has shown the power of its most modern aircraft, which can fly high in the sky and keep an eye on the inside of the windows of houses. The AC-130J, called Ghostrider, has shown its power to the world in a military exercise held in South Korea. When it flew over a high apartment block in South Korea, its powerful cameras were able to clearly see everything inside the windows of the houses. But this is just a part of its specialty. Its full capability is astonishing.
Can hit target from 50000 feet
The four-engine aircraft can spot targets from an altitude of 50,000 feet (about 10 miles), which are potential targets for the heaviest gun ever mounted on an aircraft. During a live-fire exercise in South Korea, a 105-millimeter howitzer fired 43-pound shells east of Seoul. The firing was so powerful that the 80-ton rear wing moved 6 feet to the right. About 10 seconds later, a screen inside the aircraft showed shells falling on the range. Two tanks were targeted on the ground in the exercise.
Can launch guided missiles and bombs
In addition to the 105-millimeter howitzer, this aircraft is also equipped with a 30-millimeter cannon. Along with this, it can launch guided missiles and bombs. It is also called the best friend of the infantry, because it can fire on enemy targets at a short distance in front of the soldiers. With air refueling it can theoretically stay on station supporting ground forces as long as the crew and ammunition can last.
The pilot of the aircraft, Captain John Ikenberry, told CNN that through this exercise, we have sent a direct message to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un that we are ready. The AC-130J, the latest version of the US Army’s Hercules gunship, has been testing its capabilities in Korea for the second consecutive year.
It was first used in the Vietnam War
The US Air Force first used gunships on the ground in the Vietnam War, when 7.62 mm guns were installed to fire on one side of a C-47 transport aircraft. With that capability, the aircraft could circle around a target and fire at it continuously. According to US Air Force reports, its guns could fire 6000 rounds a minute. As combat roles changed over time, the Air Force looked for a heavier aircraft for the gunship role and thus turned to the C-130 Hercules transport. The C-130 was first used in Southeast Asia in 1967.