US confirms open communication channels with Russia

by time news

The United States confirmed that communication channels with Russia remain open despite the war in Ukraine. It is “in Washington’s interest” to maintain contact with Moscow, Jack Sullivan, US President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, explained in New York. The United States “clearly knows who they are dealing with”, he added, while the talks initiated by the White House with the Kremlin to avoid an escalation in Ukraine have not been denied.

“Dealing with Putin would mean giving up. And we will never give him this gift,” says La Repubblica Mikhailo Podolyakchief adviser to President Zelensky, adding that “the Kremlin’s ‘negotiating offer’ is a trivial ultimatum: admit defeat, and sign for the loss of territories and sovereignty. Society will never accept it. The Russian army will leave the country. Ukrainian territory, and then dialogue will come “.

As for the talks between Moscow and the Pentagon, Podolyak advises “stop speculating. The telephone conversations between the Pentagon chief and Mr. Shoigu are public information, there is nothing new. The armed forces of both countries can communicate. among them, including for mutual warnings about the consequences of the use of weapons of mass destruction. But negotiations are not underway between Russia and Western countries for Ukraine. Our partners adhere to the principle of ‘nothing about Ukraine without the’ Ukraine ‘. And then neither party would be able to guarantee the implementation of the agreements, without the support of the Ukrainian people. ”

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