US Congressional Inquiry into Afghan War Mistakes: Few Lessons for Today – VP News – ‘no talk’

by time news

2023-07-08 17:19:58

The US Congressional Military Commission on Afghanistan, established in December 2021 (see Who), is preparing to begin its work with the aim of conducting a comprehensive study on different aspects of the twenty-year war in Afghanistan (June 2001 – August 2021). The main topics that the commission will address are listed below:

Comprehensive study of key decisions:

Examine US military, intelligence, foreign assistance, and diplomatic involvement in the war in Afghanistan. Analyze how the $2.3 trillion in military aid to Afghanistan has been spent. Identify the reasons for the rapid collapse of the Afghan government and military. Evaluate whether US efforts to democratize Afghanistan have been based on faulty political assumptions and misunderstandings. Identify mistakes made and lessons learned by the United States in Afghanistan that are applicable to other democracy support activities around the world. photo Pexel mohammad azarniya

Lessons learned from the collapse of the Afghan government and military:

Resolution of political conflicts through negotiations rather than military decisions. Using maximum influence during successful moments for conflict resolution. Consideration of historical and cultural traditions in the creation of political systems. Trust local defense forces instead of cumbersome Western security institutions. Recognizing the slow pace of social change and adopting incremental approaches. Avoid indefinite or permanent financial commitments, unless necessary for vital national interests. Imposition of conditions and restrictions on foreign intervention to gauge success and limit excessive costs. Photo Pexel – Ali Karimi

Results expected by the commission:

Production of a reliable and detailed report on the war in Afghanistan. Guide the foreign policy decisions of the US government and legislators. Avoid excessive initiatives or isolationism, representing a balanced approach in US foreign policy.

What is already clear is the fact that some of the indications listed continue to be overlooked in US foreign policy. In particular, one of the key points is the need to resolve political conflicts through negotiations rather than through military decisions.

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