US congressman says Twitter harbored pedophile profiles

by time news

US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, of the Republicans, went viral on social media after appearing in a video recorded during a hearing of the House Oversight Committee of the United States, held on Wednesday last week, when she made serious allegations against former -directors of Twitter.

“You banned my account but allowed child pornography. I’m glad they lost their jobs,” she said when addressing former employees of the social network, fired after billionaire Elon Musk bought the platform.

Greene addressed more specifically the former head of trust and security at Twitter, Yoel Roth, accusing him of failing in the face of the existence of hundreds of profiles that reproduced pedophile content on the social network, as well as other, also pornographic.

According to the international agency Reuters, which had access to an internal social network document in September 2022, about 13% of all Twitter posts were pornographic images until then.

Also according to the agency, the cybersecurity company Ghost Data conducted a survey and found 500 profiles of users who shared or requested content related to pedophilia. Of this total, 70% of the accounts were not deleted by the platform.


In the investigation that began with the Republican party, it was also discovered that Twitter was banning conservative accounts, always under the justification that such profiles would be encouraging “hate”, “misinformation” or “fake news”, for example, about the new coronavirus pandemic.

Greene herself had her profile suspended in 2020 and subsequently banned for good in 2021. When questioning Yoel, she quipped: “You might consider your speech canceled during my time [de fala]because you canceled mine”.

Greene also recalled a case that surfaced in 2021, when a 13-year-old teenager had a video of sexual abuse he suffered posted on Twitter.

Even after requesting the removal of the content – ​​which should not have been posted – the platform took several days to comply with the young man’s request, who had to file a lawsuit against the company. Watch:

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