US declares Edmundo Gonzalez winner of Venezuelan elections, denounces fraud 2024-08-02 02:49:22

by time news

The United States denounces irregularities in Venezuelan elections and congratulates Edmundo González Urrutia

The US State Department in a statement released this Thursday, August 1, 2024, said that the United States, after consultations with its international partners, concluded that Edmundo González Urrutia is the true winner of the presidential election. They also rejected Maduro’s unfounded accusations against opposition leaders, denouncing the threats of arrest as an undemocratic attempt at political repression.

The United States also congratulated the Venezuelan people for their massive participation in the July 28 presidential election, despite considerable challenges. “More than 12 million Venezuelans went to the polls to exercise their right to vote peacefully. However, the management of the votes and the announcement of the results by the National Electoral Council (CNE), controlled by Nicolás Maduro, were marked by serious irregularities, compromising the credibility of the process.”we can read on the website of the US State Department.

The US State Department statement noted that the CNE quickly proclaimed Nicolás Maduro the winner without providing evidence or publishing disaggregated data or voting records, despite repeated calls from the international community and Venezuelans. The Carter Center’s independent observation highlighted the lack of detailed official results and multiple irregularities, calling into question the validity of the announced results.

To support its statements, the United States said that the democratic opposition has made public more than 80% of the polling station reports, revealing that Edmundo González Urrutia obtained the largest number of votes, by a considerable margin. These results have been corroborated by independent observers, exit polls and rapid counts.

The United States calls for the immediate release of Venezuelans arrested for peacefully exercising their right to political participation and requests the protection of opposition leaders. The United States expressed its support for a peaceful and democratic transition, in line with the wishes of the Venezuelan people, and stands ready to work with the international community to strengthen this process.

Edmundo González Urrutia is congratulated on the success of his campaign, and a call is made for Venezuelan parties to begin discussions for a democratic transition.

Opposition presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez leads a protest against the official election results that declared President Nicolas Maduro re-elected in Caracas, Venezuela, July 30, 2024. (AP Photo/Cristian Hernandez)

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2024-08-02 02:49:22

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