US Drama: Two men acquitted of murder by Malcolm X.

by time news

Justice came very late to Muhammad Aziz and Khalil Islam. 56 years after they were accused of a crime they did not commit – the truth is coming out. A New York judge this evening (Thursday) overturned the two convictions for the murder of black rights activist Malcolm X, for which they each ran more than 20 years in prison. In a pre-acquittal hearing, the Manhattan District Attorney apologized for the serious violations of the law and public trust caused by Aziz’s and Islam convictions.

The two were charged with the murder of black human rights activist Malcolm X, along with another man who confessed to the act. Aziz and Islam kept insisting that they were not involved in the incident. Decades later, a Netflix documentary led to a re-investigation, which confirmed the suspects’ remarks: they had nothing to do with the incident. The FBI and police knew about it, and chose to hide the facts. In an investigation that lasted no less than 22 months, it was discovered that the FBI and the New York Police hid key evidence that, if discovered at the time of the two’s trial, would have led to an acquittal.

The late investigation slightly clears America’s conscience, but also opens up new questions: Were there other accomplices to the murder, and why did the authorities choose to indict the two?

Malcolm X was one of the key figures in the black struggle for equal rights in the 1960s. He chose a militant line and swept away masses. Ex was murdered at age 39 while giving a speech in New York. Three suspects were immediately arrested, including Aziz and Islam, who were not inside the courtroom at all. The FBI pushed for a speedy conviction, and the two ran more than 20 years in prison. Islam died in 2009. Aziz, 83, knows that the credit will not give him back the lost years he spent in prison.

The late investigation slightly clears America’s conscience, but also opens up new questions: Were there other accomplices to the murder, and why did the authorities choose to indict the two? Malcolm X remains a symbol of struggle. Eventually, many of the goals for which he fought were achieved. The legal acquittal today, may symbolize another milestone in this long journey.

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