US midterm elections: Democrats are close to controlling the Senate | All updates

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Drama in the US midterm elections: The battle for Washington between the Democrats and the Republicans took a step forward today (Saturday), after the Democratic Senate candidate Mark Kelly won in Arizona after a close battle. This victory is an important turning point for the Democrats, who hope to continue to maintain a majority in the Senate, after they managed to force a tie of 49 against 49 seats out of a total of 100.

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Now, all eyes are on Nevada, where after counting 94% of the votes it appears that the Republicans are leading by only about 800 votes and about 56,000 ballots remain to be counted. Another country where there is still no decision is Georgia, where none of the candidates received 50% of the votes and a second round of voting will be held there on December 6.

If the Democrats win in Nevada, they will gain 50 seats and full control of the Senate, although it is not yet a simple majority of 51 seats out of 100, due to the work that in the case of a 50-50 tie, Vice President Harris will be a tie breaker. On the other hand, the Republicans’ journey to victory will be more difficult since they will have to win both Nevada and Georgia and obtain a majority of 51 seats.

Mid-term elections in the USA (Photo: Reuters)

Likewise, in the House of Representatives, it seems that the Republicans will be able to maintain the majority they had, having so far obtained 211 seats out of the 218 needed. The Democrats, on the other hand, have so far obtained 203 seats.

Meanwhile, the former US president Donald Trump Claimed fraud in Arizona after the Democrats’ victory and said: “This is voter fraud. The Democrats stole the electorate. There are polling stations in Republican areas that had frauds. Do the elections again immediately.”

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