US: Russia intensifies aggression • Hundreds of civilians killed

by time news
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Shelling and airstrikes have destroyed many infrastructure throughout Ukraine since the invasion, and the Pentagon said today (Monday) that Russia may increase its aggression against Ukraine, and there are fears that Russia will soon attack the city of Lviv next to more western countries.

The UN Commissioner for Human Rights has claimed that the number of civilians killed since Putin decided to invade Ukraine stands at at least 636 people.

Meanwhile, the Jewish community in the bombed-out city of Moriupol claims that at least 10 members of the community were injured. The community also says that their condition is unknown.

The United Nations estimates that 2.8 million people, mostly women and children, have managed to cross the border from Ukraine into neighboring countries since the Russians invaded Ukraine.

The Prosecutor General’s Office in Ukraine said that they and the other relevant elements in Ukraine “do not deny the exchange of prisoners with Russia”

The Kremlin has said that Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken again tonight with Prime Minister Namthali Bennett regarding developments in Ukraine.

At the same time, the peace talks that are trying to achieve a temporary ceasefire – which this time are being conducted exceptionally through the zoom, have been suspended until tomorrow. However, no ceasefire appears to have been reached.

Prior to the talks, the Ukrainian envoy clarified that this time the talks would be tougher than before, and that Ukraine would not give up and demand an immediate withdrawal of Russian forces. Her requests.

After the peace talks ended, the Ukrainians presented a Russian prisoner in their possession, who told about the fighting. According to the prisoner: “I want to tell the whole truth. I am Alexander Maroznov, born in 2000, a resident of Moscow. We were told it was just training in Russian territory and they lied to us.”

“My mother,” said the prisoner, “works as a secretary to a senior manager, and they managed to try to get me back to Russia – they drove me back in a separate car, but during a trip in Sumy we were stopped. They give us (in captivity) food and give us water. “On the battlefield we received dry and expired food.”

The prisoner added: “Ukraine are strong people – they managed to lose a lot of equipment to us. We came here because we wanted to because we wanted to tell the truth. Dead people, old children and women – die for nothing because of Putin who also continues to tell lies. We just want to go home “.

Another prisoner who spoke up told the world media: “I was born in April 2001 … my military unit sent me to a training center in Russia. My unit number is 30616. After two months of training, my friends and I got some thoughts that something here was not true. My commander, Captain Titiunikov, said we were moving to explore with our vehicles – I asked why do we need it? “.

“I told my friends it could not be real. What? We’re invading Ukraine?!. Another thing that’s important for me to say: Although it’s why people have to hide in shelters – the people here treat us properly. “Send your children to the army. What is happening here are terrible things. Our friends are dying. Your children are dying here.”

“There is no logic at all to this war – I understand why Ukraine is fighting. We have taken a fascist step. Invaded their country. I am sitting here now and remembering how I saw Ukrainian citizens crying who lost their children. They are so angry at our country. I am sure it is unforgivable. Still, I apologize for invading your home. “

At this point the prisoner turned to Putin: “The president of the Russian Federation – from my left have five friends of mine. They fought and committed crimes because of your lies. I’m sure none of these wanted to come here to shoot. You just brought us here. You are wrong. You are guilty of it. I beg. “Stop it.”

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