US Supreme Court strikes down landmark law restricting access to guns

by time news

« When will we do something? exclaimed Steve Kerr, coach of the Warriors basketball team, during a public outing, a few hours after the killing at the school in Uvalde (Texas). This attack occurred eleven days after that of Buffalo, in the State of New York, on May 14, 2022.

The country is still in shock from this double attack. However, on Thursday, June 23, a new battle was lost for the Democrats – opponents of carrying weapons. The highest court in the United States, the Supreme Court (composed of nine judges including six conservatives), in charge of verifying whether the laws are in conformity with the Constitution, has upheld the carrying of weapons by invalidating a law of the State of New York which restricted it. Through this court decision, the institution makes it possible to enshrine the right of American citizens to leave their homes armed.

Now canceled, the law in question had been in place since 1911. The State of New York was the first to adopt it in order to control the circulation of weapons in the territory. Concretely, the text regulated permissions for the purchase and possession of handguns.

This decision comes as Democrats pointed out that in 2021, more than 20,000 homicides were committed by firearm, including 692 mass killings on American territory.

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For this reason, many elected politicians were indignant at this decision. According to Democratic President Joe Biden, “ this decision contradicts both common sense and the Constitution “. A decision ” absolutely outrageous for Kathy Hochul, Democratic Governor of New York State, shameful » et « dangerous for Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California.

On the Republican side, less hot reaction for the moment. Texas Governor Greg Abbot highlighted the action of state insurance agencies that compensate victims and ” provide the long-term support that the community of Uvalde needs ».

The members of the Supreme Court justify this decision as follows: The 2nd and 14th Amendments to the Constitution protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun in self-defense outside of their home “, as pointed out by the conservative judge, Clarence Thomas.

Some observers regret a strict reading of the articles of the Constitution. Industry lobbies such as the NRA (National Rifle Association of America), as well as Republicans, essentially rely on this Second Amendment to maintain access to guns for the population. And for good reason ! The text specifies that there is no distinction between home and outside. It even states that ” a well-organized militia being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms will not be infringed ».

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