US warns that drug trafficking could influence the direct election of judges

by times news cr

He EU Government He warned that if the reform goes ahead, Judiciaryhe drug trafficking could influence the choice direct from judges.

The above, through a statement released by the American ambassador in Mexico, Ken Salazar, who warned that:

“Direct elections could also make it easier for cartels and other malign actors to take advantage of inexperienced judges for political reasons.”

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This, continued Salazar, in case the next Legislature, which is expected to have a qualified majority in favor of Morena, approves the direct vote of the members of the Judiciary; the document also refers to a:

“If the elections for judges in 2025 and 2027 were approved, a fierce policy would threaten the historic commercial relationship that we have built, which depends on the confidence of investors in Mexico’s legal framework.”

In his communication, the American representative, of Democratic affiliation, highlights that based on his experience of a quarter of a century in the highest courts of the US, and his trips -when he was a senator- to countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, and others, he saw firsthand how “democracies cannot function without a strong, independent and corruption-free judiciary.”

And, although he argued that his Government understands the fight against corruption in the Mexican Judiciary, from his point of view, the direct and political election of judges:

“It will not address this judicial corruption, nor will it strengthen the judiciary. It would also undermine efforts to realize North American economic integration and create turbulence as the debate over direct election will continue for years to come.”

He even criticizes the presidential proposal to eliminate requirements such as years of experience to be part of the Mexican justice system, which requires “judges capable of managing complex litigation for extraditions, commercial disputes and other issues.”

For all of the above reasons, the US Government considered that any judicial reform must guarantee that said power is strengthened and “is not subject to the corruption of politics.”

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Salazar also believes that if Plan C is approved, it would also weaken efforts to achieve economic integration in North America and:

“It would create turbulence, as the debate on direct election will continue for years to come.”

The statements of the American ambassador come four weeks (July 25) after “El Mayo” Zambada and one of “Los Chapitos” appeared in El Paso, Texas, and since that day, President López Obrador has not let a day go by without asking the US Government for information about the events.


2024-08-24 07:18:33

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