Usa: Covid, inflation and the Russian question. Biden bankruptcy, Trump nostalgia …

by time news

Usa, Biden in trouble: there are already (after only a year) those who miss Trump

I am not a specialist in American things and I risk writing inaccuracies. But it is not necessary to be competent zoologists to say, if we meet one: “That’s an elephant”. The President of the United States Joe Biden is in serious trouble. Polls say it is waning in popularity, far more than Donald Trump after one year in office. Despite his clear victory in 2020, the American system of checks and balance creates considerable difficulties for him Congress.

The pandemic it’s an unstoppable disaster, whatever a president does in these cases. Inflation has started to gallop again, so much so that expensive remedies are in the offing. Withdrawal fromAfghanistan – which cannot be called hasty because it had been talked about for years – due to the way it was implemented, it has seriously damaged the image of America. Poor Biden seems to have the magic touch in reverse: whatever he does is bad for him.

Perhaps, as for theAfghanistan, he acted as he acted because he had the feeling that either he was forcibly tearing up the solution, brutally, or he would be made to pay for this latest delay as well. In fact, this move is being blamed on him as the worst he could do. Finally – and it is the worst thing – these days he is committing the most serious of mistakes: he is allowing Russia to threaten a European state with an invasion without envisioning a symmetrical, devastating response. Which would have been the only valid, in the international field.

As you know, fly think of invadingUkraine to punish her for the possible intention of joining NATO. A defensive alliance that could very much please Ukraine precisely because it fears of being invaded by Russia, as the Baltic States and the Poland. It seems truly paradoxical that Putin say: “Dear Kiev, since you are so afraid of being invaded by Russia, to punish you I am truly invading you.” But here we are in international politics and it doesn’t matter who does what and with what reason. It only matters to know if what he does can harm us and what we can do to defend ourselves. In this specific case, I see monstrous mistakes being made.

L’Europe – as always cowardly and talkative – she watches as if it didn’t concern her. The United States of Biden who continually repeat that the West will not respond to force with force, but with diplomacy and sanctions. Sanctions that have always made people smile Russia. If the Russian people have been able to undergo seventy years of communism, with endless queues for potatoes (when there were) let alone if they can be frightened by some deprivation. And then the West has already applied sanctions, after the snatching of the Crimea, without the Russia has made a turn.



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