USA: Ex-cop lets son († 8) freeze to death – verdict: life imprisonment! | news

by time news

Life sentence for horror dad |

Ex-policeman let son († 8) freeze to death

What a heinous crime.

Former police officer Michael Valva, 43, was convicted in New York on Friday for forcing his two sons – a 10-year-old and eight-year-old Thomas – to lie on the concrete floor of an freezing garage for 16 hours. Temperatures were around minus six degrees. Thomas Valva died in January 2020 as a result of the horror night.

The ex-cop was found guilty of four counts of child endangerment and faces the maximum sentence. Means: life imprisonment.

A coroner ruled the boy’s death a homicide and found hypothermia to be the primary cause of the eight-year-old’s death. According to prosecutors, Thomas suffered from autism, and his ten-year-old brother is also autistic.

Thomas Valva (†8) was buried in New York on January 30, 2020

Foto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

Prosecutors also accuse Michael Valva of not doing anything to help him when the boy died before his eyes. Then he lied to the police and rescue workers.

A paramedic who was fighting to save Thomas’ life that day testified that Valva showed “no emotion, no sense of concern” for his son. The ex-cop said his son hit his head on a door frame.

In addition, Valva beat the boys several times and let them starve. Their teachers testified at the trial that the two came to school with bruises and were often so hungry they ate crumbs off the floor.

“While there is nothing we can do to bring Thomas back, we are pleased with the jury’s decision,” Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond A. Tierney said in a statement, according to the US newspaper “New York Post”. “Michael Valva subjected his sons to terrible abuse, neglect and cruelty. He will now pay for ending the life of a young, innocent, defenseless boy.”

Valva’s then-fiancée, Angela Pollina, 45, is also charged with child endangerment and murder and is awaiting trial. She has pleaded not guilty.

The former police officer's fiancé at the time, Angela Pollina, is also accused.  Your trial will begin in a few weeks

The former police officer’s fiancé at the time, Angela Pollina, is also accused. Your trial will begin in a few weeks

Foto: picture alliance / ASSOCIATED PRESS

The two cases are being treated separately because it was Valva’s testimony that led to the charges against his former fiancée. Because: He argued in court that Polina was responsible for the fatal abuse. And when he wanted to help his son, she stopped him.

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