Usa, Nancy Pelosi: “I am not running for democratic leadership”

by time news

Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that he does not intend to run for a Democratic leadership position to give the next generation the opportunity to do so. She will continue, he added, to be a deputy. “I will not be pursuing re-election to the Democratic leadership in the next Congress. It is time for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I respect so deeply,” she said. “We must now boldly move into the futurehe added, assuring his intention to continue “speaking for the people of San Francisco.” Pelosi does not indicate a preference for his successor to the position of Democratic leader in the House of Representatives. Now is not the time to make that choice , he said.

“As a nation, we owe him a deep debt of gratitude for his service, his patriotism and his absolute dignity,” said US President Joe Biden. “History will remember her fierceness and determination to protect our democracy from the violent uprising of January 6. It is a continuing threat of violence and political intimidation that she and her family know all too well, but that won’t stop it.” from serving our nation,” Biden continued, alluding to the recent assault on the speaker’s husband. According to what was announced by the White House, Biden also personally telephoned Pelosi “to congratulate him on his historic role as speaker of the House”.

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