USA, the polls that terrorize Joe Biden: it is a collapse of the image

by time news

Biden’s first year as US presidency ends with a resounding thud in the polls

According to an average of the main American polls made by FiveThirtyEight the consensus towards its President Joe Biden is at 43.4% while over 50% of Americans disapprove of its “modus operandi”. The honeymoon of the one who sent home one of the most divisive presidents in history, Donald Trump, it ended much faster than expected. The consensus seemed “untouchable” and instead quickly crumbled. There are several causes. First of all, in July, the return of a wave of infections caused by the new Delta variant.

Then a new decline was recorded in August with the disastrous and hasty withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan which resulted in: the reconquest of the country by the Taliban, 13 American soldiers killed in a kamikaze attack and profound dissent at international level. And then, in the economic field, rising inflation and the difficult approval of its maxi economic agenda, still stalled in Congress. Last but not least, the issue of immigration, a delicate problem left in the hands of the deputy Kamala Harris, not up to the task. Never so many arrivals and never so many undocumented people detained, only in November 173,000, a record.

The Omicron Effect on the White House

And then reality indicates that the largest democracy in the world is currently led by a president in a worrying image crisis and on the threshold of 80 years. Now, under the end of the year holidays, the new Omicron variant has brought a large part of the country back to emergency health measures. On an economic level, on the other hand, Biden’s words on ainflation transient sounds really out of tune since the same, in November, reached almost 7%, a figure that has not been seen since 1982. Despite all this, the President, through his spokesperson Jen Psaki, confirmed that he wanted to reapply. According to many, the move, which came immediately after the burning electoral defeat in Virginia, could serve to give confidence in the success of the great social projects that the Democratic administration is painstakingly carrying out.

“Sleepy Joe” towards another challenge with Trump?

But the personal data does not play in favor of Joe Biden who is now the oldest president in office at 79 years old. An electoral competition a 81 years old it is certainly not a “health walk” despite the assurances of the personal doctor, Kevin O’Connor, who continues to confirm that his patient is “a vigorous and healthy man, capable of fulfilling his duties”. The president’s downward spike in popularity is paired with that of his deputy, Kamala Harris, which has an even lower popularity. A survey Suffolk University-USA Today Released in November, it recorded 27.8% of rising star Harris versus 37.8% of Biden. And given that the political opponent is in trouble, hopes for the return of the indomitable Donald Trump grow. Although banned from social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, the tycoon is working to raise funds and shoot for nothing on Biden. “It has destroyed the economy, it has opened our borders, it has abandoned the Americans in Afghanistan and much more ”reads the daily emails that reach the nearly 50% of Americans who voted for him and who, probably, would vote for him again.

A still hazy future

Trump himself knows that running in 2024 without the support of media and social networks would be a flop and so he built an ad hoc company, a start-up, the “Trump Media & Tecnhnology Group” supported by Digital Word which has managed to raise a billion dollars so far. From those who do not know and that is why the Sec (Securities and Exchange Commission) wants to know more. He asked for minutes of the board of directors’ meetings, bank, telephone and e-mail addresses and, above all, the names of the investors. The fear that behind there are Arab countries, primarily Saudi Arabia.

Trump’s new social network, Truth social, will be similar to Twitter but free from the ethical restraints of the social network that chirps. In any case, 2024 is still quite far away and if age, flop, midterm elections and a bit of bad luck weigh on Biden, Trump is surrounded by the shadows of the many proceedings that are going on against him, mainly linked to fiscal problems. And we know that in America not even the President or former presidents can joke with the taxman.

On the subject, read also:

Usa, Omicron is the dominant variant. But we don’t think about the lockdown

USA, behind Biden’s compensation for families separated by Trump

US, Joe Biden in decline in popularity goes on TV to Jimmy Fallon to catch up

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