users do not know the rules of the DGT

by time news

2023-06-09 06:36:01

Last year the use of multimobility increased by 585% in Spain, which means that we are increasingly seeing more electric scooters, shared cars, electric motorcycles and electric bikes on the streets.

But there is still a great lack of knowledge about the traffic regulations that apply to this type of vehicle since 73% do not know the regulations for electric scooters, a figure that has increased by 13 points since last year.

This increase in ignorance of the regulations together with the growth in the use of this type of mobility shows a worrying situation in the sector, as 32% of Spaniards claim to have used this type of mobility at some point, which indicates the importance that has to raise awareness about the proper use of these vehicles, according to data from Freenow.

One of the main rules that govern this type of mobility is the obligation to wear a helmet, as established in the recent Traffic Law and which is one of the most important protection measures when using these vehicles. Despite this, the vast majority of Spaniards do not pay attention to this rule and, in fact, 61% of those who use electric scooters say they do not wear a protective helmet when riding them.

Another of the key points of this regulation is the place where scooters must circulate since, as shown in the Traffic Law, it is prohibited for VMPs (personal mobility vehicles) to go on sidewalks, pedestrian areas, crosswalks, crossing, motorways, dual carriageways, interurban roads or tunnels in urban areas. This rule is more internalized by scooter users because 32% of them state that they ride on the bike lane, even so there is still a large majority that admits that it does not matter where they ride. Thus, 51% of those surveyed do not take into account where they are driving when they use the scooter, be it sidewalk, road, bike lane, etc. In addition, 4% do admit to always going on the sidewalk.

Despite the fact that they do not comply with the regulations, the vast majority have never had an incident with these vehicles, only 10% of Spaniards claim to have had an accident when using the electric scooter, which shows us that many do not comply with the regulations. , but they are prudent when it comes to handling this new form of mobility.

Isabel García Frontera, Director General of Freenow España, affirms that multimobility is “one of the best things that has happened to mobility in cities and that is that having alternatives to traditional mobility is enriching”. He still recognizes that it is very important that these vehicles be used properly, since if the rules are not followed, they can sometimes be dangerous when used in large cities. “Many years ago people did not use seat belts, something that is now unthinkable,” he explains.

From this mobility App, it sends its users information that must be read informatively in which it warns of the rules of use, among which are: the use of a helmet, not drinking alcohol while driving, the prohibition of driving on the road, park correctly in the permitted places, etc.

#users #rules #DGT

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