Users of public transport in Monagas refuse to anchor the ticket to the dollar

by time news

At present we are talking about 25 bolivars as a minimum in round-trip tickets, which multiplied by five days a week is 125 sovereigns.

By: Tomas Leonett  |
Mar 9, 2023 – 11:23 am

Ehe increase in the fare that was made official on December 26, 2022 became “salt and water”, as stated by the carriers that provide public service in the city of Maturín and the rest of the country, for which they have proposed anchoring the value of the ticket at 0.50 cents on the dollar.

Given this proposal, the opinions were not long in coming, all the users consulted reject what could be considered “crazy” if it were to be approved by the government authorities without the consent of those who must board the buses and carts on a daily basis. stalls.

“It is understandable that all vehicle parts are expensive, but no carrier is going to tell me that every day they live buying parts or spare parts or that they only do one lap a day… If being a carrier did not generate profit, no one would dedicate himself to that trade”, affirmed Carlos Villarroel.

Another of those who expressed his opinion was César Azócar, according to his story, anchoring the cost of the ticket to the dollar is something out of context considering that although many earn in foreign currency, another large majority receive salaries in bolivars, because they are civil servants. of the public administration.

“Wherever you look at it, it is unfeasible, first because there is no glimpse of a possible salary increase that could offset the payment of the ticket. If we take it to the current reality, we are talking about a minimum of 25 bolivars for round-trip tickets, which multiplied by five days a week is 125 sovereigns, the math does not fail, in other words, what a worker earns during a month, leaves it in a week of passage”, said Azócar.

If this measure is applied, it will not only be reflected in the urban passage of the city of Maturín and those municipalities where there are internal routes, but it will also increase the cost of interurban transportation.

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