Using AI and Dogs’ Sense of Smell: Researchers Developing Bracelet to Warn Epilepsy Patients of Seizures

by time news

2023-10-08 16:00:00

Breakthrough Research: Bracelet Uses AI and Dogs’ Sense of Smell to Detect Epileptic Seizures

A groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from Upper Austria has unveiled a potential solution to help individuals suffering from epilepsy. The team is utilizing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and the keen sense of smell of dogs to develop a special bracelet that can warn users of an approaching seizure.

Living with epilepsy brings forth the constant fear of experiencing a sudden seizure, a debilitating event that can occur unexpectedly and limit an individual’s daily life. The goal of this research is to establish an early warning system that can detect any warning signals the body emits prior to a seizure. By identifying these signals, those affected can take timely measures such as taking medication or finding a safe environment to minimize the risks associated with the seizure, such as falling and sustaining injuries.

Currently, seizure predictions are only possible within a clinical setting, where patients must remain in the hospital and be connected to medical devices at all times. However, the research team aims to develop a solution that can provide real-time warnings in everyday life and familiar living environments.

In collaboration with the Department of Neurology 1 at the University Hospital Linz and the Institute for Machine Learning at Johannes Kepler University (JKU), a study has been initiated to test the effectiveness of wearable sensors in detecting impending epileptic seizures. This study involves equipping test subjects with a network of sensors that record various biological parameters, such as heartbeat, blood oxygen saturation, brain blood flow, skin resistance, muscle contractions, and more. Through this data collection, the research team aims to identify the factors that are most relevant to predicting seizures.

Inspired by the animal world, where specially trained dogs have shown the ability to predict epilepsy attacks with accuracy, the researchers have incorporated the use of sensors to record the sweat produced by individuals with epilepsy. This comprehensive monitoring generates large amounts of data, which is where AI comes into play. By utilizing AI models and analyzing the data from all sensors, the research team aims to identify patterns in biological factors that occur before epileptic seizures. This technology will enable individuals with epilepsy to recognize the approaching attack when these patterns are detected in their everyday lives.

While the application of this research is still a thing of the future, the researchers have high hopes for the outcomes of their study. They are utilizing transformer technology, the latest AI models, to conduct more comprehensive studies and achieve more meaningful results. The ultimate goal is to develop devices such as medical bracelets or cuffs equipped with the necessary sensors that can warn individuals when their body functions indicate an impending seizure.

Currently, there are approximately 50,000 people in Austria suffering from various forms of epilepsy, making it the most common chronic disease of the nervous system worldwide. The study being conducted at Linz University Hospital and Johannes Kepler University involves 250 affected individuals, aiming to identify physical warning signals (biomarkers) of impending seizures.

Once the one-year study is completed, the research team plans to proceed with an international project to scientifically validate the results obtained. With continued advancements in AI and the use of dogs’ sense of smell as inspiration, there is hope that this research will pave the way for improved quality of life and safety for individuals battling epilepsy.

#Early #warning #system #epileptic #seizures

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