Using client experiences for better care and support in mental health care

by time news

Using client experiences for better care and support in mental health care

Korien Jurgens is a partner at Lysias Advies, Nienke Boesveldt works as principal investigator at the UVA

In GGZ Vaktijdschrift number 8, Korien Jurgens and Nienke Boesveldt write about their pilot study into the contribution of client experiences to improve mental health care.

Jurgens and Boesveldt spoke to 24 respondents from different organizations about the way in which client experiences are contributed to improve mental health care. The following statement by one of the respondents clearly illustrates the initial findings: “A person-centred approach makes all the difference to better mental health care and support.” By involving people’s experiences, the offer is more in line with the clients’ living environment. Despite this statement, we have not yet received an answer to the question to what extent involving experiences actually leads to better mental health care. In the further course of this pilot we will look for answers in a person-oriented approach.

Further research among clients
After this baseline measurement, we will continue in 2022 to investigate the needs and experience of clients in the three regions. Based on interviews, personal experiences are recorded about how client representation contributes to the right care in the right place. The aim of these conversations is to gather from the perspective of clients what they think is the added value of involving experiences in shaping the offer.

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