Usphizin Festival 2022: Yishai Rivo, Shalom Hanoch, Shefatim Band and more, at Sukkot in Ashdod | Kaan South

by time news

On Sukkot, the festive festival “Oshpizin Festival” will be held in the city of Ashdod, which has become a tradition in the city of Ashdod. During the festival, performances by the best musicians in the country will be staged with some of the best original productions available. The festival shows will be on the 11th to the 18th of October, some of the shows have free entry, and for some you will have to purchase a ticket in advance.

The full list of performances:

Yishai Rivo hosts Amir Banyon

11.10.22| Tuesday 20:00 start of show | 19:00 Opening of gates Ashdod Amp, original production

Yeshi Rivo comes to the concert with his favorite songs, which have bought him a huge audience across sectors and ages, among them the hits “The reason for the reasons”, “My heart”, “Here are the days coming”, “Go back home”, “Inside is filled with love”, “Saving me every Yom’ and the other beloved and well-known songs that entered the pantheon of Israeli music.

Special guest: Amir Banyon, Israeli singer, creator, musician, songwriter and composer, one of the most decorated and respected in Israeli music for years, thanks to his unique voice and his emotional delivery.

Amnon Argov. Photography: Aviraz Raz


11.10.22 |Tuesday| 21:00 | Mishkan Ashdod, original production

A tribute show to those who are considered to be the greatest singers of Eastern music and one of the leaders of the struggle for the recognition of Mediterranean music, as part of Israeli existence and culture. In this special show, most of Zohar Argov’s songs will be performed in new clothes with the stars known to everyone: Yoav Yitzhak, Yasmin Levy, Avner Gadsi, Shimi Tabori, Aviva Avidan, Segiv Cohen, Amnon Argov.

Guidance and singing: Mati Sri.

Arrangements, musical management and piano – Nadav Biton

Musicians: Golan Kolesh – drums, Shani Shavit – bass, Nir Shalom – keyboards, Doron Shahar – electric guitar, Nathaniel Ben Giat – acoustic guitar and computer, Nir Taib – wind instruments, producer: Miri Ben Yishai.

Haim Oliel.  Photo: Eldad Rafaeli

Haim Oliel. Photo: Eldad Rafaeli

Lip band-the union

13.10.22 | Thursday 21:00 | Mishkan Ashdod, original production

Special guests: Kobi Oz, Eli Luzon, Hagit Yasso.

After 25 years, the legendary Lips Band is reuniting for an exciting and happy show as part of the Usphizin Music Festival. The band that in the nineties managed to bring to the forefront of the stage of Israeli music the songs known in every Moroccan home, with fresh arrangements and a new sound, has long since become a household name and is coming to Ashdod for a special evening in which it hosts Kobi Oz, Eli Luzon and Hagit Yasso. In the show, the huge hits of the Lips band will be performed: Ahlan and Shalan, Mama, Ish and Violin, Newspaper, Spiter and more.

Rami Danoch the sounds of the oud.  Photography: Efi Dan

Rami Danoch the sounds of the oud. Photography: Efi Dan

Shalom Hanoch – departure 2022

15.10.22 | Mochash 21:30 | Mishkan Ashdod

An intimate show with new arrangements of hits from all time, alongside new songs from Hanoch’s latest album – “Herzl Lilienblum”. In the new show, Hanoch shares the stage for the first time with his long-time friends – the Nahal band, the Threes, the legendary double bassist Eli Magen, and his long-time creative partner – the pianist and producer Moshe Levy, and they are joined by the virtuoso drummer Ofri Nehemiah (Eli Dejiberi, Omer Avital, Shay Master ) and Raphael Cohen on the guitars (who also recorded and mixed the new album).

Rami Danoch.  Photography: Nir Amos

Rami Danoch. Photography: Nir Amos

Shlomit Aharon, everything passes my love, the three tenors – the joint show

17.10.22 | Monday | 21:30 | Mishkan Ashdod

A special show in which Shlomit and the Habibs host the three tenors and sing together and separately the band’s greatest hits from its ten different albums, selected excerpts from the band’s past programs and selected songs from Shlomit Aharon’s exciting meeting with the three tenors.

A show that connects the world of opera and the world of pop is also intended for opera lovers who find here a new and different angle to the materials they love and know so much, and of course also for all lovers of the Hebrew singer, lovers of everything that goes well, Habibi and Shlomit Aharon, who succeeds with great talent and magic on stage in connecting the worlds. “The Night”, “The Rabbinate Stairs”, “The Guest”, “Adagio”, “The Celebration is Over”, “A String of Opera Hits”, “Depend on Me”, “A Lost Legend”, “A String of Neapolitan Songs”, “A Night on Achziv Beach “, “La Dona Immobila”, “The Song of the Valley”, “The Lilac Flower”, “Lila Bakrach”, “Granada”, “To the Waterholes”, and many other well-known and beloved good ones.

ALBOREANDO dancing at dawn

11.10.22 | Tuesday 20:30 | Handy house for boys

The flag of Israel Spain flag

A premiere performance by the Flamenco band Remangar that invites the audience into a new energetic flamenco experience, which aims to reawaken again into a world where music, dance and singing unite more than ever. After a long period, in which the whole world was immersed in movement stagnation, there was nothing left but to go out and surrender to the “new dawn” that had arrived. The show will feature 12 Ramngar artists, dancers, singers and musicians who bring to the stage all the high-quality richness that only contemporary flamenco furo can offer. Artistic direction: Keren and Avner Pesach, musical direction: Avner Pesach and Eli Borla, lighting design: Danny Fishoff, show management: Karin Lederman, costume design: Keren Pesach, Nancy Khaimker, PR: Karnit Besson, dancers: Keren Pesach, Asharat Klein , Noy Lachman, Keren Shenor, guest dancer: Michal Ben-Zvi, vocals: Yael Horvitz, Shoki Shviki, Ofir Atar, Avner Pesach, guitar: Ili Borla, flamenco bass: Eran Horvitz, percussion: Yuval Kaufman.

Calabach – a duet of sounds and rhythms, Orit Wolf and Doron Rafaeli

12.10.22 | Wednesday | 20:30 | Beit Yad Labanim

When Bach meets Africa, Chopin and Ravel meet jazz and the piano meets the calabash. A fascinating meeting between the classical pianist and composer Orit Wolf and the drummer Doron Refali gave rise to an opportunity to experience classical music in a new and energetic multi-sensory dimension. The connection creates a porthole to a new space where the two worlds connect organically into one pulse.

Creators and vocalists: Dr. Orit Wolf – piano | Doron Rafaeli – drums and percussion

Kobe Oz.  Photography: Mia Barkai

Kobe Oz. Photography: Mia Barkai

Tilda Rajwan – Dodo Fisher – the joint show

13.10.22 |Thursday| 20:30 | Handy house for boys

A new original production that brings together the international chanson singer Tilda Rajwan, the original performer of film soundtracks (Cage of Merits, and others), with the charismatic tenor and cantor known in Israel and the world – Dodo Fisher, in an evening full of sweeping tributes to the great songs from Broadway and West End London musicals, Songs from famous movies, chant songs, Ladino songs, Yiddish songs, French chansons and Israeli songs. A colorful, immersive and energetic show with two powerful voices and an orchestra of virtuoso musicians. An evening full of pure pleasure and an unforgettable experience.

A real treasure girl – a special tribute show on the 30th anniversary of Aris Sun’s death, based on his life story.

18.10.22 | Tuesday 20:30 | Handy house for boys

Israel Greece

The Greek legend band returns in a special tribute show to the man and legend Eris San, with all the great hits and songs, in which stories from his life are combined starting from his arrival in Israel in 1957 to the “Sirocco” club in New York in 1968. The stories and songs are performed while maintaining the original and authentic performances and yet Get an innovative touch, Izakis steps into Aris Sun’s shoes with love and sensitivity and together with host Ilan Leibovitz and singer Osnat Zeno present an exciting nostalgic show.

The show is accompanied by the Greek legend band with 5 musicians. The show combines the best songs and hits written and performed by Aris Sun: “Mandobella”, “Agonia”, “Zingwala”, “Aspara”, “If you are young in heart”, “A girl is really a treasure”, “A pair or a single”, “Tel-Aviv”, “Siegel”, “In life everything passes”, “Manamo”, “Boom Pam”, “Dum Dum”, “The sounds came”, “She was born only yesterday” and more.

Yasmin Levi.  Photography: Ali Tashkiran

Yasmin Levi. Photography: Ali Tashkiran

Tusovka – cheap, barangay and party – immigration song of generation 1.5 ex-Soviet Union

11.10.22 | Tuesday 20:000 | Monart Cultural Center

Four young artists of the 1.5th generation at the Spoken Word evening celebration and poetry in the aroma of Novi Good in an evening that is accompanied by personal stories describing the experience of immigration and the Brahmin culture in which they grew up. Participants: Alex Rief, Shmuel Seltzer, Eric Eber, Camilla.

Sing with the bands – Songbird band hosts

12.10.22 | Wednesday 19:30 | Monart Cultural Center, original production

A musical show hosted by the legendary Song Birds group from Ashdod in their program: Children’s View, the Sambation group from Kiryat Ekron under the musical guidance of Shalom Ohion and the “Espaniolim” from Holon under the guidance of Gila Hasid. The Tzipori Shir band will perform the songs of the Pale Tracker Trio, the threesherim, Danny Sanderson, Ariel Zilber, Mati Caspi, and others, an evening full of love for the Hebrew singer.

Yoav Yitzhak  Photo: Ilan Bashor

Yoav Yitzhak Photo: Ilan Bashor

Rami Danoch and the Tslili Ha’ud band – hosting Gabi Berlin

13.10.22 | Thursday 20:00 | Monart Cultural Center, original production

Rami Danoch and the Oud Sounds Band, the pioneers of the Mediterranean singer, are celebrating 45 years of singing and hosting Gabi Berlin in an evening full of nostalgia and happy, rhythmic and dancing singing, great performances of the Oud Sounds for the well-known and beloved songs, “Chanala Hitbala” “I’m Gedaliah”, “Hasida Tzhora” , “Soro Meni” and more, and the audience’s singing of Eretz Israel with lead singer Gabi Berlin, the songs of the military bands, riders’ songs, love songs, homeland songs and more.

Abner Gedsi.  Photography: Ilan Porat

Abner Gedsi. Photography: Ilan Porat

Akdama Municipal Conservatory – free shows – free entry, Source production

The best representative ensembles of the Academy Conservatory will welcome the festival island before the shows with bow instruments, wind instruments, orchestras, singers, jazz ensembles, pop rock and light music.

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