2024-07-25 08:51:21
“The exact reason that can provoke the appearance of these formations is not known, but it is believed that the activity of estrogen and progesterone hormones play an important role in this process. However, it is important to know that some women with uterine fibroids may not feel any symptoms and hear the diagnosis after performing a routine gynecological or prenatal ultrasound examination,” says A. Afanasjev.
It can also affect the reproductive system
When talking about the symptoms of fibroids, the radiologist notes that they can vary depending on the size, number and location of the fibroids and singles out the most common symptoms.
“Uterine fibroids can be warned by various symptoms: heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), pelvic pain and pressure, or a feeling of fullness/pressure in the lower abdomen, if the fibroid starts to press on the bladder, frequent urination or difficulty emptying it.
Patients may also experience back or leg pain, constipation, abdominal swelling, especially if the fibroids are very large or if the woman is very petite.
Another symptom is pain or discomfort during intercourse, and one of the most complex consequences of this condition is the effect on the reproductive system. “Unfortunately, patients with fibroids who do not treat them may experience infertility or repeated miscarriages, as well as complications during pregnancy, such as the need for a caesarean section,” says the radiologist.
If you notice these symptoms, it would be useful to visit your doctor, who would refer you to the necessary tests, clarify the diagnosis and choose the most appropriate treatment method. It is also worth knowing that patients who have already been diagnosed with uterine fibroids should not forget to undergo a pelvic ultrasound examination regularly at least every 6 months in order to detect their changes in time.
The spectrum of treatment methods is extremely wide
Before choosing the most appropriate treatment method, the specialist doctor first evaluates the number, size, symptoms experienced, the woman’s age and her needs – the further treatment process depends on this.
“Although patients in Lithuania usually have to hear the suggestion to treat myoma surgically, there are cases when patients do not want to undergo surgery – they are afraid of interventions or simply do not find the right time for it and choose to wait and visit the doctor regularly. A significant number of women hope that the fibroid will shrink and the condition will improve, unfortunately, I have to disappoint, because this usually does not happen. In addition to monitoring, medical treatment can be prescribed for such patients, but it is worth knowing that it does not remove the myoma, it only slows down its growth, and the symptoms that cause discomfort do not disappear anywhere. The same applies to those who chose to be “treated” with various food supplements – in the long term, they do not provide any benefit, and when the symptoms worsen, they have to return to surgical treatment,” says A. Afanasjev.
Another treatment option is myomectomy, a method of removing fibroids laparoscopically under general anesthesia, where 1-1.5 cm incisions are made in the abdominal wall, through which a video camera and surgical instruments are inserted.
“Although this is a minimally invasive method and the so-called “gold standard” in surgery, it still requires intervention in the patient’s body, so it may not be attractive to all women. Of course, this method is more friendly to the body, and healing does not take long, and a woman can return to her normal life after a few weeks. Unfortunately, there are cases when none of these treatment methods provide the required effect and if the woman no longer plans to get pregnant, or if the volume of the myoma is extremely large, women are often offered to perform a hysterectomy – removal of the uterus – in order to restore a woman’s quality of life,” the radiologist shares.
A highly effective method of treatment suitable for almost all cases
However, A. Afanasjev also tells about another, not yet known to everyone in Lithuania, method of treating myomas – myoma embolization, during which a part of the lumen of a blood vessel or the entire lumen of a blood vessel is blocked (embolized), stopping the flow of blood in the vascular formations – not even medication will give the patient such an effect treatment than the use of nutritional supplements.
“After embolization of the arteries that feed the myomatous nodules, they are disconnected from the blood flow and thus begin to dry up, the fibroids become inactive and shrink, because the nodules are like a volumetric formation, like a certain sphere. Often within 3-4 months. fibroids are almost doubled, which is a significant relief for the patient, because almost all bothersome symptoms disappear, which completely disappear within a year.
In my practice, I have had cases where a 9 cm myoma shrank to 1 cm and all the unpleasant symptoms disappeared and the lost quality of life returned. I am still in touch with some of the patients, because we regularly check the state of myoma, all of them are happy that they no longer experience unpleasant symptoms and managed to save the uterus, and new nodes do not appear”, says the radiologist.
He notes that this method of treatment can be applied in almost all cases, especially if a woman wants to avoid surgical procedures, or wants to preserve the uterus for personal or reproductive reasons. It is worth knowing that myoma embolization, due to its advantages, is particularly suitable for women whose lifestyle or work nature requires them to return to their daily activities as soon as possible.
“The procedure itself is minimally invasive, performed without general anesthesia, through a small incision, so it causes less pain, is characterized by a lower risk of complications and results in a faster recovery – patients are often discharged home on the same or the next day, and can return to their normal life after 3 – 4 days”, A. Afanasjev mentions the advantages.
What is useful to know about the period after the embolization procedure?
The specialist points out that each case is individual, depending on the number and size of fibroids, and patients also have different needs – some want to return to work sooner and engage in their favorite physical activities, enjoy the pleasures of a sauna or swimming pool, while others choose to have a full body recovery.
“After the procedure, you should live normally, but for about 2 weeks. refrain from heavy physical work, open bathing spaces, do not panic if there are discharges or a slight increase in body temperature – give the body time to recover after the intervention. As for follow-up care, after 6 months it is useful to have an ultrasound examination, and after that to discuss your condition with the specialist who performed the uterine fibroid embolization.
Most of the time, this discussion passes happily, because the doctor sees that the fibroid has shrunk, and the patient also notices that she no longer feels the previously troublesome symptoms. “Communication between the doctor and the patient usually takes up to a year or two, when during a regular check-up it is determined that no new fibroids have appeared, and the existing ones have shrunk to a minimum size,” says the radiologist.
When asked if uterine fibroids can recur, A. Afanasjev notes that such cases can occur, but treatment with the embolization method significantly reduces this statistic compared to other surgical interventions: “Global studies show that about 10-15 percent new nodes may appear in women – my own experience shows that 95% of the time I did not perform repeated procedures. patients.”
2024-07-25 08:51:21