2024-09-02 08:39:46
The word proliferation means ‘to reproduce, multiply’, so it is not the same as saywhich is ‘say, pronoun’.
In the media, the first of these verbs is sometimes used inappropriately: “The fans of the team spread chants against the footballer” or “He refused to take breathalyzer tests, and at the same time insults were spread.”
According to the academic dictionary, proliferation it is a verb meaning ‘to reproduce in similar ways’ and ‘to multiply abundantly’as in “Mushrooms multiply in spring and autumn.” It is taken without direct complement and what is the abundance of applications as a matter (the mushroomsin this case), which is often deferred, as in the sentence «In the multiplicative assemblyon the screams”, which indicates that the screams increased.
For her, say which means ‘to pronounce words or sounds, to say, to express’ and with it is indicated who says it, as subject, and what is said or what the sound is, as complement. Therefore, they are not comparable verbs in meaning or construction.
So, in the previous examples the appropriate ones would be “The fans of the team cried against the footballer” and “He refused to take the breathalyzer tests, saying insults.”
#utter #propagation