Vaccination Doubt Phone will advise more broadly

by time news

The Vaccination Doubt Telephone is no longer limited to providing information about corona vaccinations. According to the initiators, it will be “a prevention platform where people can ask questions about medical issues”. Ministers Ernst Kuipers applauds the broader structure of the advice line.

As the first topic in addition to corona vaccines, the Doubt Phone (as of today without “vaccination”) will answer questions about early detection of colon cancer from Thursday. Information about the importance of the HPV vaccination for young people will be added later this month.

Correct information

“We want to reduce health differences in the big city with the Doubt Telephone,” Robin Peeters said in a statement. He is an internist at Erasmus MC and initiator of the Twijfeltelefoon. “The following applies to both vaccination and the bowel cancer screening programme: people can choose for themselves whether they want it, but I would like them to make their choice based on correct information. There is a lot of misinformation going around at the moment. Both about colorectal cancer, about corona vaccination and about HPV vaccination.”

Kuipers applauds approach

Minister Ernst Kuipers is enthusiastic about the broader approach of the Doubt Line. “It is very important that everyone has access to good information about health”, he writes on Twitter† “This way we can reduce health disparities. A good thing that from today you can also call the Doubt Telephone for questions about bowel cancer.”

The Doubt Phone is a collaboration between Erasmus MC and the general practitioners in the region and is staffed by medical students. The phone number is: 088-7555777.

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