Vaccination is mandatory, curfew is pushed back

by time news

Vaccination against the corona virus is now mandatory in Austria. At the same time, measures are being relaxed: the curfew is being moved to midnight, and more people are being admitted to events.

In Austria, the general obligation to vaccinate against the corona virus applies from today, Saturday. The regulation was announced in the Federal Law Gazette on Friday and will come into force on the following day. Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen had previously certified the constitutional adoption of the “Federal Law on the Obligation to Vaccinate Against Covid-19” in the National and Federal Councils. It was countersigned by Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP).

The obligation to vaccinate now applies to all persons residing in Austria over the age of 18. Exceptions are made for pregnant women and those who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons, and – conditionally – also for those who have recovered. In the event of non-compliance, up to 600 euros will be due in the “simplified procedure” and up to 3600 euros in the “ordinary procedure”. In the first phase after the entry into force, however, no penalties will be imposed until mid-March.

Events, trade, gastronomy

While the obligation to vaccinate comes into force, some corona restrictions are lifted as of today. the closing hour will be moved from 10 p.m. to midnight. the Personenhöchstgrenze increases from 25 people to 50 people at gatherings without assigned seating and at extracurricular youth events. at events up to 2000 people, only the 2G rule (admission for those who have recovered and those who have been vaccinated) applies instead of the 2G+ rule, i.e. the obligation to be tested in addition to vaccination or recovery.

From February 12, 2022, the 2G rule will then fall Trade. Only one FFP2 mask requirement will then apply in all shops. From February 19, 2022, the 2G rule will apply in the Gastronomy extended to the 3G rule – but not in Vienna. The federal capital is taking a more cautious approach, for the time being the 2G rule will be retained in the catering trade.

From February 19, the validity of PCR-Tests in gastronomy reduced to 48 hours – for all other areas, the validity of PCR tests remains as before at 72 hours. Should PCR tests not be available, also apply Antigentests for a period of 24 hours. the 3G rule From then on, this also applies to events (instead of the previous 2G rule).


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