Vaccination obligation over 50, Galli: “Keep it without ifs and buts, no amnesties”

by time news

The anti-Covid vaccination obligation for the over 50s must be maintained without ifs and buts. It would be yet another amnesty “for the unvaccinated” in the land of amnesties. “Massimo Galli, former director of Infectious Diseases at the Sacco hospital in Milan, commented to Health on the hypothesis presented yesterday by Undersecretary of Health Andrea Costa to extend the vaccination obligation against Covid-19 for those over 50 after June 15, the day on which the law that provides for it will expire.

According to the infectious disease specialist, the obligation must be absolutely maintained “also out of seriousness towards the rest of the population who did everything they had to do, getting vaccinated, and who, if called to further interventions if necessary, could ask himself: ‘so in the end there was a sort of amnesty for the unvaccinated? Were they the smart ones and we the idiots? ‘”. This is why Galli is against letting the obligation lapse. the community fools by not having taken precautions concerning themselves and others “.

And on this the expert, taking up part of the ‘no vax’ logic of ‘I can decide to die on my own’, warns: “This reasoning is not valid, it is unacceptable because the hospitals are full of people, whose hospitalizations are paid for with our taxes, and there are many surgeries and postponed services that who knows when they may be done. All this will weigh heavily on the health of Italians “.

As for the relaxation of the other restrictions, Galli underlines: “I have absolutely no objections, in a more favorable epidemiological situation. We must live and live with this virus, despite having had a series of repeated surprises that at this point it would be appropriate to avoid a further one. . In less than a year there have been three variants that have taken over one after the other and we must be ready for a fourtheven if it is not necessarily going to arrive and it is not necessarily worse than that “.

“In other words – underlines the specialist – we should have learned the lesson. And the lesson says that there must be prudence. The situation is completely different because we have had millions of Italians who are infected with Omicron, just as we have a quantity of vaccinated people. important, but there remains a soft underbelly represented by the unvaccinated and there is still a lot to do in the younger groups, very young and small children “. For this reason, yes to a gradual and reasoned relaxation, “but prudence must be maintained”.

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