Vaccine, a single dose halves the transmission of Covid in the family –

by time news

A single dose of Covid vaccine can halve the likelihood of transmission of the SARS-COV-2 virus in the family. This was indicated by a study that included over 57,000 contacts from 24,000 families in which there was a laboratory-confirmed coronavirus case that had received a vaccination (Pfizer or AsyraZeneca), compared to nearly a million contacts of unvaccinated cases.

I study

Conducted by Public Health England (the British Health Promotion Agency), this work is one of the first to evaluate the ability of vaccines to protect against transmission. According to the research, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, those who become infected 3 weeks after receiving a dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech or AstraZeneca vaccine had between 38% and 49% less likely to transmit the virus to their family contacts than those who were not vaccinated. The PHE also confirms that one dose of the vaccine can even, after four weeks, reduce the risk of developing symptoms by 60 to 65%.

The Covid-19 situation in Italy and in the world


This is fantastic news: we already know that vaccines save lives and this study is the most comprehensive real-world data showing that they have also cut transmission of this deadly virus. Matt Hancock, the British Secretary of State for Health. University of Warwick epidemiologist Mike Tildesley spoke to the BBC about significant findings, but pushed people to continue closing the vaccination course. Let us remember that these vaccines are not 100% effective neither in preventing severe symptoms nor in avoiding infection, but the evidence suggests that they are providing at least some level of protection from transmission of the virus if one becomes infected. This is certainly good news for family environments, the place where the virus spreads more easily, for prisons, but also for schools (where classes are quarantined even in the case of a vaccinated teacher who test positive).

April 28, 2021 (change April 28, 2021 | 18:28)


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