Vaccine AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, the decision of the government –

by time news

AstraZeneca should not be given to people who have less than 60 years old, while you can continue to use Johnson & Johnson.

This is foreseen by the circular signed by the Director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Giovanni Rezza. And it does so on the basis of the indications of the Scientific Technical Committee which

The experts write: While taking into account the similarities between the Vaxzevria vaccine and the Janssen vaccine, as regards both the platforms and the type of thromboembolic events reported in the literature, the current state of knowledge (which suggests a risk associated with the adenovirus), the number of just over a million doses currently administered in the country and the rarity, even in Europe, of the reports of VITT available to date, they do not allow to draw conclusive evaluations with respect to the benefit / risk ratio of the Janssen vaccine, characterized by the advantage of single administration, a peculiarity that can be of particular benefit in certain categories of the population. The Janssen vaccine comes recommended, also in light of what is defined by the AIFA CTS, for subjects over 60 years of age. If specific situations arise in which the advantageous conditions of the single administration are evident and in the absence of other options, the Janssen vaccine should preferentially be used, subject to the opinion of the territorially competent Ethics Committee. Any evidence, in the national and international context, of thromboembolic phenomena after the Janssen vaccine must be subject to careful and constant monitoring through the pharmacosurveillance and vaccine-surveillance procedures, in such a way as to offer, in the short future, the possibility of formulating more opinion on this vaccine upon the acquisition of further evidence regarding the possible incidence of VITT phenomena and the evolution of the epidemiological situation.

Article being updated …

June 12, 2021 (change June 12, 2021 | 09:52)


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