Vaccine for the People Foundation in collaboration with the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand | RYT9

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Vaccine for the People Foundation together with the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Continuing to promote the quality of life of Thai children, delivering 3,000 doses of IPD vaccine under the Immunization Program Prevention of pneumococcal infection for at-risk children Year 7

Vaccine for the People Foundation and Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand hold a press conference “Forward to Thailand to the prevention of IPD” Awareness Campaign Enhance understanding of pneumococcal infectious disease The main cause of IPD (IPD) and learn how to build immunity to prevent the disease properly. Ready to continue the immunity promotion project Prevention of pneumococcal infection for at-risk children in the 7th year so that all Thai children receive the IPD vaccine

The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated November 12 of every year. It is World Pneumonia Day or World Pneumonia Day to raise awareness and importance, ready to join a campaign to raise awareness, build knowledge. understanding of pneumonia among people around the world This will help prevent death from pneumonia. which is regarded as one of the infectious diseases with the highest incidence of death It can be said that it is a silent threat that has killed more than 2.5 million people in 2019, among which more than 672,000 children1 and in the COVID-19 epidemic situation. This puts millions of people at increased risk of infection and death. Invasive Pneumococcal Disease (IPD) is the leading bacterial cause of pneumonia. It is also among the top mortality rates of vaccine-preventable diseases in young children under 5 years of age.2 Therefore, raising awareness of this disease Including immunization for risk groups, it is something that everyone should pay attention to.

Associate Professor (Special) Dr. Tawee Chotpittayasunont Director and hostess, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Director of the Vaccine for People Foundation revealed that “IPD is an invasive infectious disease caused by infection with a bacterium called “Pneumococcus or Streptococcus pneumoniae”. throat Both in children and adults without causing disease But when the body is weak or have a viral infection This type of infection will invade the nearby organs. cause infection in the bloodstream meningitis or severe pneumonia The symptoms of IPD infection can vary depending on the organ in which it is infected. If it is pneumonia, symptoms usually include fever, cough, shortness of breath. If there is an infection of the nervous system such as meningitis The patient will have a high fever. Severe headache, nausea, vomiting, stiff neck. In young children, fussiness, drowsiness, convulsions and death may occur quickly. If there is an infection in the bloodstream Patients will have high fever, rapid breathing, rapid heartbeat. may have shock 3 Unlike common colds, IPD is often of high severity. Children with IPD often need to stay in hospital for an average of 12 days4, and it costs a lot of money. Spending on average more than 50,000 baht per treatment, even though receiving treatment from a government hospital5 In addition, some children who recover from IPD may have long-term effects such as hearing loss, aphasia, and movement disorders. and seizures 6 It can be seen that IPD not only affects the health and development of children. But it also caused the family to lose income. medical expenses and lack of income due to the need to take time off work to take care of children Therefore, if the offspring has symptoms similar to IPD, they should be diagnosed as soon as possible. and quick medical treatment to reduce the mortality rate and the likelihood of long-term effects In addition, pneumococcus can cause many other diseases, although not severe. But it is common, such as sinusitis. otitis media Doctors can diagnose IPD from history taking, symptoms, and physical examination of the patient, such as chest x-rays. and sputum examination or sent for laboratory testing to confirm that the disease is caused by pneumococcal bacteria and when pneumococcus bacteria are detected The doctor will prescribe an antimicrobial or antibiotic in the appropriate dosage for the disease and symptoms. But even so, it was found that in Thailand pneumococcus There is a higher rate of antibiotic resistance. caused by improper use This leads to more and more problems with drug-resistant bacteria, resulting in the complexity of the treatment process. and cost more in treatment It can be considered that the entire economy is lost. and the power of the country is huge Therefore, it is the duty of every party to campaign to educate the public in terms of health promotion. and prevention to reduce the number of patients Therefore, prevention of IPD through vaccination plays an important role. Currently, various government organizations are ready to help push the IPD vaccine into the immunization plan. In addition, people can take care of themselves with simple methods to keep them away from IPD, for example, avoiding going to crowded places. wear a mask Except and keep a distance Always take care of your health. Consult a doctor for proper immunity.”

Prof. Kulkanya, M.D. Chokpaiboonkit President of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand Director of the Vaccine for People Foundation said, “IPD is common in young children. This is especially common in healthy children under 2 years of age without any underlying disease. From various causes, absence of a spleen or impaired spleen function Chronic organ diseases such as lung disease (including severe asthma), heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, and diseases that are at risk for meningitis such as cerebrospinal fluid leakage. wearing a cochlear implant Based on IPD incidence data, only about 1/3 of children with IPD are at risk of these conditions, and 2/3 are young children who do not have any other risk conditions. besides being young Especially less than 1 year old because IPD is mainly a disease of young children. Elderly people over the age of 65 are considered a risk group. Especially if there is a congenital disease such as lung disease, heart disease, low immunity from various causes and various chronic diseases, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand recommends IPD vaccination for children. 2 months or more and the next injection at 4 months and 6 months of age and the last dose at 12-15 months of age. 7 There are several types of IPD vaccines currently in use. Each species has the ability to cover different strains of IPD. A vaccine that covers more pathogenic strains in Thailand will protect against a wider range of diseases. All current vaccines significantly reduce the incidence of IPD of the vaccine strains8. And it is a highly safe vaccine, so many countries around the world include the IPD vaccine in their immunization plans. This makes children in those countries have access to vaccines all over the face. And more than 70% of children have access to vaccines will result in herd immunity. This means that those who are not vaccinated will be able to receive indirect immunity as well. It will result in the elderly or people with chronic diseases who are members of the household with young children. and are at risk of IPD as well, are also protected Analysis of Thailand data has shown that the inclusion of the IPD vaccine in immunization programs is highly cost-effective. It saves the government budget for treatment as well. at the moment Thailand Only 10% of Thai children have access to the IPD vaccine as it is not yet included in the immunization programme, which means the government has not provided it for free. It is still a vaccine that parents Have to spend money to buy it yourself. Therefore, it is imperative that we all help push Thai children to have more access to the IPD vaccine, which at present, the Ministry of Public Health by advice from experts There is a pilot IPD vaccination project in Maha Sarakham Province. To prepare before the IPD vaccine is included in the immunization plan for Thai children across the country, children in Maha Sarakham can access the vaccine for free before other provinces. Implementing IPD vaccination program for children in Bangkok In fact, other relevant agencies can also play an important role in driving or make children receive this essential vaccine as soon as possible, such as local government organizations May allocate some of the budget to buy IPD vaccines for children in their own districts, like Bangkok. and as today Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand and the Vaccine Foundation for the People With Pfizer’s vaccine sponsorship, this important initiative is being undertaken to provide access to vaccines for children at high risk of IPD. and get more protection.”

Dr. Manit Thira Tantikanon Chairman of the Board of People Vaccine Foundation and the former Director-General of the Department of Disease Control said, “The Foundation remains committed to advancing the campaign. And focus on strengthening the immune system to prevent disease. and continuously reduced deaths from the disease for this year People’s Vaccine Foundation continues to continue cooperation with the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society of Thailand In the project to provide vaccines against 13 strains of pneumococcal disease for at-risk children for the 7th consecutive year, these children are: Immunocompromised children, such as cancer received an organ transplant infected with HIV or have congenital disease such as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, children without spleen These children are at a much higher risk of IPD infection than normal children. In addition, there is a high chance of death or disability. If these children are vaccinated, it will reduce the chance of getting sick. reduce medical expenses Reduce economic losses from parents having to take off work to take care of sick children, which the foundation has focused on strengthening immunity for Thai children. Emphasis is placed on increasing access opportunities for vulnerable children. and deserves to be protected first In addition, the foundation Ready to push all relevant sectors to recognize the importance of building good immunity to improve the quality of life of Thai people. Currently, vaccines are an important tool in health care. And is the most important weapon in disease prevention. Especially in childhood, which is the age where the immune system is not yet fully functioning. And there is a high risk of infection from various diseases. This year, we have delivered 3,000 doses of 13 strains of IPD vaccine for at-risk children to more than 35 participating hospitals across the country. country in order to reach children who are at risk and inaccessible to increased protection and more thorough which will cover all regions in Thailand More than thousands of children at risk of IPD have already been immunized under this program.”


  1. World Pneumonia Day 2022. Access 10 Nov 2022.
  2. Isaacman DJ et al. International Journal of Infectious Disease. 2010;14:e197-e209
  3. Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of Thailand. IPD (IPD). Access 10 Nov 2022.
  4. Baldo V et al. Prev Med Rep. 2015;2:27-31.
  5. Dilokthornsakul P et al. Vaccine. 2019;37:4551-4560.
  6. World Health Organization. Pneumococcal vaccines WHO position paper?2012. Wkly Epidemiol Rec. 2012;87(14):129-144.
  7. Vaccination schedule in Thai children recommended by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Association of Thailand Access 10 Nov 2022.
  8. Moore MR, et al. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015;15(3):301-309

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