Vaccine study results revealed ‘Chiang Mai’ injects ‘AstraZeneca’ 4 needles to prevent 73% high omicron infection and 75% mRNA protection.

by time news

Research team from the Faculty of Public Health Chiang Mai University (CMU) in collaboration with the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office. (Chiang Mai Provincial Electricity Authority) report on the results of the study “Efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Chiang Mai Province”, the AstraZeneca vaccine was found to be effective in preventing COVID-19 infection. Omicron species After the 4th stimulation needle

For practical evidence from around the world shows that Vaccines against COVID-19 of AstraZeneca The effectiveness of the vaccine was 73% (95% confidence interval). [CI] 48-89% in preventing infection with the COVID-19 virus. An omikron species that can spread rapidly. When vaccinated against COVID-19 AstraZeneca’s 4th booster dose is independent of the type of vaccine previously given.

The results of the study are the first to assess the effectiveness of a four-dose heterologous vaccine against COVID-19, the researchers said, which has been published in a preprint in Research Square.

In addition, research results show that Vaccines against COVID-19 All 4th stimulation needles studied It is effective in preventing infection with the COVID-19 virus. Up to 75% omicron strains (VE 75%, 95% CI 71-80%) by efficacy of COVID-19 vaccine. AstraZeneca’s rate was 73%, which is about the same as the other mRNA vaccines studied in this study. The efficacy value of the vaccine was 71% (VE 71%, 95% CI 59-79%). The efficacy of the vaccine was adjusted to eliminate influence from variables such as age, gender, calendar time of immunization. and the type of vaccine regimen received previously.

Prof. Honorary Dr. Dr. Suwat Jariyalertsak Dean of the Faculty of Public Health, CMU, said the study showed important data that Vaccines against COVID-19 4th needle of any kind It is effective in preventing omikron infection.

Consistent immunization with booster vaccination is therefore extremely important for at-risk populations. especially the elderly group and patients with chronic diseases

The findings also support the effectiveness of cross-formula vaccination, or ‘mix and match’, which could help support greater coverage of booster vaccination in the general population.

Mr. John Perez senior vice president Head of Final Development Vaccination and Immunotherapy Department AstraZeneca said the latest data has increased our understanding of the importance of booster vaccines. from the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine of AstraZeneca in the prevention of severe illness and death It is now known that the vaccine against COVID-19 of AstraZeneca Can help prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 The Omicron species are good enough. When given as a 4th booster vaccine, it will be effective in preventing infection with the coviral-19 virus. higher after receiving the 3rd booster dose

In addition, the results of the analysis of preliminary data from the hospital Vaccine Effectiveness Report on Severe COVID-19 Illnesses (Patients in need of ventilators) and deaths during severe outbreaks of omikron strains between Feb. and Mar. 2022 were found. Three doses of the crossover vaccine prevented 98% of severe infections or death from COVID-19 in the population of all ages studied. and only one death in a patient with underlying disease after the IV booster dose indicates the vaccine’s very high efficacy. The analysis of this data set is in the process of collecting data continuously. And all the results will be reported later.

The study reports the effectiveness of the vaccine against COVID-19. of AstraZeneca, CoronaVac and mRNA vaccines using data from a surveillance network from local proactive surveillance. This allows local patient data to be compared for both the high-epidemic periods of both delta and omikron strains.

To date, AstraZeneca has delivered more than 3 billion doses of the COVID-19 vaccine from December 8, 2020 to December 8, 2021. of AstraZeneca It has helped protect more than 6 million lives from COVID-19.

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