Valentina, a Mexican raised in Europe, denies being forced to record adult videos

by times news cr

2024-07-23 23:50:10

Katie Vázquez about Valentinoa young woman raised in Europe, daughter of a Hungarian father and a Mexican mother, became trend on social media after making a couple of posts on TikTok where she criticized Mexicans and claimed that there is a big difference between a Mexican woman raised in her country and one raised in Europe.

Following the viral events and the outrage of users who attacked her on social media, Katie Vázquez was investigated and exposed with publications that claimed she was dedicated to participating in adult videos.

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Faced with this, the TikToker responded visibly upset with a post where she said that the videos had been forced and spoke about the abuse that exists in that environment.

In the recent videos, Katie is also heard talking about her biological father named Alexi, who she hopes will learn, through its content, that despite the psychological and sexual abuse she suffered in her childhood, she managed to become a confident woman with the financial resources to face it.

He also accuses him of abusetries to chase his mother with the intention of meeting her, when according to his statements he never wanted his birth to happen.

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In the face of the scandal, producer of adult content videos, decided to make a publication where the same young woman accepts that she participated in a casting without being forced, that she is fine and is there of her own free will and that she does not consume drugs or alcohol.

Finally, the producer asks him to count the money received for the payment of the casting and accept that you are fine and that you agree with the amount.

The young woman is married to a millionaire Russian who, according to social media users, is the one who pays for all the luxuries she boasts about on her accounts; she has also dedicated herself to defending her position and showing her lifestyle by supporting the statements that have made her go viral.

2024-07-23 23:50:10

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