Valentino Rossi and the last race, the love letter of the Yzr-M1

by time news

“Everyone greeted you, Valentino. There was only one missing that you care a lot … I remember Saturday 24 January 2004 as if it were yesterday. Our first date in Malaysia. I’ve been waiting for someone like you for so long. I was nervous, but it was love a first sight for both “. Start like this the imaginary love letter written by the Yzr-M1 to Valentino Rossi
at his last race today in Valencia. “I knew right away that our relationship was going to be something really special. We had that undeniable one-time spark and all the pieces of the puzzle came together. I will never forget how we landed on the grass at Welkom in 2004. Just the two of us. , realizing that you and I were right together – and that this was just the beginning. We have won four MotoGP titles and 56 races together. We have brought joy to millions of people around the world and created memories that will last a lifetime. We made history because we worked together and brought out the best in each other, “the letter continues.

“You made me strong again. You made me respect again. You made me love again. Only you, Valentino, had the power to do it. And I completely trusted you. I supported you with all my heart. I have fought all your battles with you. Only I was able to make motorsports exciting for you to the end. From our first kiss on the grass in Welkom to our last dance in Valencia this year, we’ve had so many amazing adventures. It was magical! I have carried you for 16 years of your incredible career. But you also carried me into your heart. But, unfortunately, even the most beautiful love stories end. Valentino, you are part of me. Part of my story. Part of who I am today and who I will be long after we separate. Ours is a very special connection and I will miss you more than you will ever know. Thanks, Valentino. With love”.

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