Valérie Pécresse and Eric Zemmour are already vying for post-election leadership

by time news

They are now fighting to impose themselves on the right. With one ambition for Eric Zemmour: to succeed in bringing together the hardest elected Les Républicains (LR) and the far right. Valérie Pécresse, the LR candidate, and the candidate of the Reconquête! party, disputed on Wednesday April 6 the ability to carry out a “union of rights” the day after the election, in view of the legislative elections, even if they do not put the same strategy behind this expression.

“On 25 (April) in the morning, I will be either President of the Republic or Leader of the Opposition”said the far-right candidate on Wednesday morning on France Inter. “I will finally make this reconciliation of rights that no one wants to do, neither Marine Le Pen nor Mme Pécresse. I am the only one [à pouvoir la faire]. »

Tuesday evening, in the program “Elysée 2022” on France 2, Eric Zemmour had again hammered home that he represented the « vote vital » as opposed to “useful vote” to beat Emmanuel Macron. He had insisted on the fact that, if he reached the second round, he would be the only one able to bring together representatives of the Republicans and the National Rally to form a government in the event of victory. “I will be in the second round and I will be elected”he had wanted to clarify, before announcing that he would be a candidate for the legislature in case of defeat in the presidential election. “I will not abandon the people who trusted me”he promised again.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Presidential 2022: the strange campaign

“Mr. 8:01 p.m.” and “Madame 8:02 p.m.”

Invited to France Info on Wednesday morning, the Republican candidate considered that, speaking thus, Eric Zemmour “act defeat” in the presidential election. “He will be Mr. 8:01 p.m.: he will call to vote for Marine Le Pen and will run for the legislative elections under his colors”, replied Valérie Pécresse while the candidate of Reconquest! nicknamed her “Madame 8:02 p.m.” for several months, convinced that she will join Mr. Macron on the evening of the first round.

“Today, the only possible union of rights is around me”chained the candidate, without putting behind this term the rapprochement with the extreme right. “The poaching campaign [d’élus de la droite par le RN et Reconquête !] finally made pschitt »welcomed the candidate LR. “Today there is a right of convictions in this country, not a right of small post-election combinations”and “She is the majority”she insisted.

His right is “a real right of government, the one Emmanuel Macron is afraid of”a line that has “real unity”, “republican, strong on order”not that of “disorder and bankruptcy” represented according to her by Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour.

Valérie Pécresse is credited with 8.5% of voting intentions in the first round of the presidential election in our ninth wave of the survey carried out by Ipsos-Sopra Steria with Cevipof and the Jean Jaurès Foundation for The world, published Wednesday, April 6. The Republican candidate seems relegated behind Eric Zemmour (10%), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (16%), Marine Le Pen (21.5%) and Emmanuel Macron (26.5%).

Emmanuel Macron criticized for his “immobility”

Valérie Pécresse also denounced the « zigzags » of Emmanuel Macron, while the president hunts on the lands of the left and the right: “The ‘at the same time’, always and everywhere, is immobility. »

Could she work with Emmanuel Macron? « Non », she assured. Will she call to vote for him if, in the second round, Emmanuel Macron was against Marine Le Pen? “I call to vote for me”she replied four days into the first round.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Abstention in the presidential election: towards a “2002 syndrome”?

The World with AFP

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