Valérie Pécresse is considering an increase to 90 euros

by time news

The president of the Ile-de-France region calls on the government to increase the contribution of companies to avoid this scenario.

The Ile-de-France region is studying the possibility of increasing the Navigo pass to 90 euros and calls on the government to increase the contribution of companies to avoid this scenario, according to documents consulted on Sunday by AFP. Faced with the financial difficulties of the regional transport authority Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), its president LR Valérie Pécresse had for a time agitated the threat of a monthly subscription at 100 euros, against 75.20 euros today, then said hope 80 euros.

A tariff deliberation must be submitted on December 7 to the IDFM board. “Government blockage paves the way for a 90-euro Navigo pass“, what would be “socially unacceptable“, writes Valérie Pécresse in a letter to the administrators of the structure, dated November 25. She mentions “an unprecedented context of soaring operating costs for transport in the Ile-de-France region, linked to the energy crisis».

Another track provides for an increase to 80.80 euros if Parliament votes for an increase in the contribution of companies, via an amendment to the finance bill (PLF), but the government opposes it because “we are in the process of lowering taxation on companies, particularly industrial ones. You have to be consistent“, explained Clément Beaune, Minister Delegate for Transport.

Most “I work daily with Valérie Pécresse, I know that the situation is difficult (…) I completely agree that we will have to find a way to help the Ile-de-France regionadded the minister. “Discussions are underway, we will see in the coming days and weeks how we can help“, he said, recalling the two billion euros in aid previously paid by the State to the region during the Covid crisis.

SEE ALSO – The increase in the navigo pass has “no justification”, according to Clément Beaune

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